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Failures of US Health Care System for Pregnant Asylum Seekers

Migrant Clinicians Network's white paper, “Failures of US Health Care System for Pregnant Asylum Seekers,” outlines how pregnant asylum seekers who have been released into the US to await their asylum hearing face extreme obstacles to secure prenatal care, despite their legal presence within the country.

Without prenatal care, infants will not have the benefit of early screening and treatment for potentially life-threatening diseases and screening for congenital abnormalities, while in utero. Additionally, pregnancies without prenatal care may result in excess utilization of emergency services which produces unforeseen strain on the health care system.

Knowledge of prenatal care needs, cost, lack of insurance, transportation, refusal by health centers, and fear are delineated as key barriers for pregnant asylum seekers from accessing the care they need during their pregnancy.

Press contact: Claire Hutkins Seda,

Helping the Helpers - Comic Book

Among the many obligations health care providers have to their patients, their families and life in general, they forget to put themselves on the priority list. This comic book dedicated to health care providers reminds them how important it is to take care of themselves to meet the needs of their patients and families. It also offers simple self-care steps to improve overall wellness.

This three-part series, hosted by CHW Solutions, and supported by the National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants and Migrant Clinicians Network, focused on CHW's experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, how they cared for themselves, and how CHWs will go forward, taking with them what they have learned. 

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