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Communicating Safety: English as a Second Language Health and Safety Training Materials

Communicating Safety: English as a Second Language Health and Safety Training Materials

MCN Safety in WordsCommunicating Safety: A Health and Safety English Learning Curriculum for Immigrant Workers in Agriculture is a health and safety intervention for immigrant workers. This project offers free, OSHA-approved training and educational materials that were developed using English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) learning activities- pairing dairy safety and health content with relevant vocabulary and English language skills in a culturally and linguistically appropriate context.

You may download each module to view its content.

For additional dairy safety and health materials, visit our Seguridad en las Lecherías webpage.

UPDATE July 7, 2015: Thank you for your interest in our Bilingual Picture Dictionary! We are out of stock at this time. This resources is available for download here.


Lesson 1

MCN Communicating Safety

Staying Safe at Work with PPE

Language Objectives: 

1. Workers will recognize the phonemes in English 
2. Workers will use English to identify personal protective equipment (PPE)
3. Workers will be able to verbally and non-verbally respond to questions

Safety Content Objectives: 

1. Workers will recognize strategies to stay safe at work 
2. Workers will identify personal protective equipment (PPE)
3. Workers will link PPE with at least one work task


Lesson PlanLesson Materials

Lesson 2

MCN Communicating Safety

Working Safely in the Parlor

Language Objectives: 

1. Workers will identify common antonyms in English in the dairy workplace
2. Workers will be able to use English to identify hazards in the milking parlor

Safety Content Objectives: 

1. Workers will identify common hazards in the milking parlor 
2. Workers will give examples of safe practices when working in and around the parlor



Lesson PlanLesson Materials

Lesson 3

MCN Communicating Safety

Safe Animal Handling and the Holding Area

Language Objectives: 

1. Workers will demonstrate an understanding of numbers in English
2. Workers will use adjectives and adverbs to describe how to work safely with cattle

Safety Content Objectives: 

1. Workers will identify hazards of working with dairy cattle
2. Workers will demonstrate an understanding of the blind spot and the flight zone
3. Workers will identify safe practices to help prevent injuries in the holding area


Lesson PlanLesson Materials

Lesson 4

MCN Communicating Safety

Working Safely with Machinery

Language Objectives: 

1. Workers will identify and use personal pronouns in English
2. Workers will use the present tense of the verb ‘to be’
3. Workers will be able to form ‘Is/ Are there’ questions

Safety Content Objectives: 

Identificar los derechos y responsabilidades de seguridad y  salud de los trabajadores en los 
Estados Unidos 

1. Workers will identify machinery commonly used in dairy
2. Workers will identify hazards associated with machinery in dairy
3. Workers will identify safe practices to help prevent injuries when using machinery


Lesson PlanLesson Materials

Lesson 5

MCN Communicating Safety

Preparing for Emergencies

Language Objectives: 

1. Worker will learn useful verbs for communicating emergencies.
2. Workers will be able to form ‘wh’ questions

Safety Content Objectives: 

1. Workers will identify procedures to follow in case of emergency.
2. Workers will understand the information included on safety data sheets




Lesson PlanLesson Materials

Migrant Clinicians Network

These materials were produced under grant numbers SH-23537-SH2 and SH-24935-SH3 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, US Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the US Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the US Government.