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This is an integrated risk assessment form for STD, HIV, and hepatitis A, B, and C. The risk assessment form is designed to assess at-risk clients within your clinic and determine the services they should receive. This form is designed to be self-administered. Once the client has completed the form, it should then be reviewed by the clinic staff to determine the services the client is eligible to receive. In addition to screening, testing, and/or vaccine services, all clients should be offered appropriate counseling and educational materials tailored to their specific risks.

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A one-page diabetes foot screening form.
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A sample asthma assessment form.
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MCN's Pesticide Clinical Guidelines and Pesticide Exposure Assessment Form assist in the recognition and management of acute pesticide exposures in primary care settings.

The pesticide guidelines were adapted from guidelines developed by Dr. Dennis H. Penzell, a former medical director of a Community and Migrant Health Center with experience in large-scale pesticide exposure incidents.

The Acute Pesticide Exposure Form was adapted from the data collection on an acute pesticide exposed patient tool developed by Matthew C. Keifer, MD, MPH, Director of the National Farm Medicine Center, appearing in the EPA's Recognition and Management of Pesticide Exposures, 6th Edition, EPA 2013.

These resources were developed with guidance from MCN's Environmental and Occupational Health Advisory Committee - a panel of healthcare professionals and researchers with expertise in pesticides and migrant health.

The following documents are a collection of the best resources available for taking a good occupational health history.

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Bilingual form to screen pregnant women for lead exposure.  Developed by MCN.

Guidelines for health care providers from the Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, a program in the California Department of Public Health that helps employers, workers, and others prevent lead poisoning in workers.

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Clinicial guidelines dealing with children and lead exposure.  Special emphasis on working with migrant children. 

Binational Immunization Guide

This Guide provides information on Mexico's Immunization Schedule, including number of doses and recommended ages.

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Use the link below to access MCN's Rapid Assessment Tool to help adolescent farmworkers identify agricultural tasks they perform in agriculture and facilitate clinician understanding about the health risks associated with it.  Youth worker images are adapted and reproduced with permission from the National Children Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety. Images copyrighted through Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin.

If computers and internet access are unavailable where patient care is provided, the worker assessment sheet and clinician information grid are available in PDF.

Lifetime Card for adults. MCN, along with CHEC (Community Health Education Concepts), has developed patient-friendly, low literacy, bi-lingual immunization cards for you to use with your clients. The cards are 5x7, and can be printed from your clinic computers.

Sample clinical protocol for Type I and II Diabetes.
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The Journal of Agromedicine published this FREE special issue (Volume 15, Issue 3) that presents papers based upon the research and safety strategies presented at the "Be Safe, Be Profitable: Protecting Workers in Agriculture" conference held in January 2010 in Dallas, Texas. The conference was a joint meeting of the Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASCHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). "It is our hope that this collection of editorials, panel presentations, plenary talks, and poster abstracts stimulates a new order of translational research, leading to effective research partnerships and improved health and safety outcomes," states Editor-in-Chief Steven Kirkhorn.

Do not miss the opportunity to read the results from this groundbreaking agricultural safety and health conference!

A Child and Teen Card, both in Spanish/English. MCN, along with CHEC (Community Health Education Concepts), has developed patient-friendly, low literacy, bi-lingual immunization cards for you to use with your clients. The cards are 5x7, and can be printed from your clinic computers. MCN designed the card to be as simple as possible, and to include only the most important information. If the information is meaningful and understandable to the clients, they are more likely to understand the importance of keeping their shots up to date.

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Vaccine preventable diseases continue to affect both children and adults. The ultimate goal of immunizations is eradication of disease; the immediate goal is prevention of disease in individuals or groups.

Persons administering biologic products or serum must be prepared to recognize and treat allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis and must have appropriate resources at hand.

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California Department of Public Health, Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control has identified several cases of mercury toxicity linked to the use of adulterated, unlabelled face creams in the Latino community.  

Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit provides step-by-step guidance and tools for physicians and other primary care health professionals to use in assessing a practice and making changes to promote better understanding for clients of all literacy levels. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality commissioned the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to produce the toolkit. Contents include tools for practice change, video, documents, Internet resources, testimonials from a practice, tips, and key points. Topics include an overview of health literacy universal precautions, steps to implement the toolkit, and instructions on identifying and addressing areas that need improvement (spoken and written communication, self-management and empowerment, and supportive systems). The appendix contains resources such as forms, PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, and posters that support the implementation of the tools.

FDA Alert:  Conusmers, especially pregnant or breastfeeding women, should avoid consuming a product called “Nzu”, taken as a traditional remedy for morning sickness, because of the potential health risks from high levels of lead and arsenic.

The sourcebook contains information and activities on heart disease and stroke and on the major risk factors for these diseases in adults. It also contains information on risk factors that begin in childhood. Additionally, it addresses people’s adherence to treatment and their communication with health care providers. Because the sourcebook contains some technical information, it is recommended for CHWs who already have some experience in their profession.

These guidelines are aimed at integrating environmental management of asthma into pediatric health care. Offers clinical competencies in environmental health relevant to pediatric asthma and outlines the environmental interventions to communicate to patients.

Continuing education course developed by the Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, California Department of Public Health.  Can view it for information or can register for credits.

The Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) Clinicians’ Network and Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) serve as National Partners to the HRSA Health Disparities Collaboratives. One of the critical roles for both organizations is helping health centers identify their migrant and homeless patients. Both organizations share a commitment to the principal that mobility should not be a barrier for health care access or continuity of care. What follows is a set of succinct and helpful suggestions for how to better identify homeless and migrant patients in your practice.

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An expert panel review of the scientific literature on lead and health - Environmental Health Perspective, March 2007

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