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Wildfire smoke poses a significant health risk, particularly for vulnerable populations such as farmworkers, given the nature of their jobs and their extended exposure to outdoor environments. This guide provides clinicians and community health workers (CHWs) with an overview of the effects of exposure to wildfire smoke, the reasons why farmworkers are more vulnerable to wildfire smoke, specific considerations for farmworkers, and practical strategies for preventive measures.


Safety and Health Practices
for Nail Salon Workers

Safety and Health Practicesfor Nail Salon Workers and a Training Guide for Nail Salon Worker Safety and Health Outreach Program


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MCN Clinician Guides

MCN and Farmworker Justice offer these guides to assist clinicians in understanding farmworker health and safety regulations. OSHA’s Field Sanitation Standard; EPA's Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA); EPA's  Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA); EPA’s Worker Protection Standard (WPS).

Safety in Words

Este diccionario ilustrado bilingüe de MCN, "Seguridad en Palabras/ Safety in Words", muestra los peligros que hay en el lugar de trabajo y las mejores prácticas para la salud y la seguridad en la agricultura. Desarrollado con el apoyo del Programa de Subvenciones Susan Harwood de OSHA, este recurso refuerza el vocabulario en inglés de los trabajadores que hablan español lo que ayudará a prevenir lesiones en la agricultura. 

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This colorful bilingual comic addresses workers' compensation and immigrant dairy farm workers’ rights and responsibilities. It tells the story of a Mexican dairy farm worker who is injured on the job and the steps he and his employer take to make sure he receives his benefits, and the farm improves its safety. 

MCN's Director of Environmental and Occupational Health, Amy K. Liebman, appeared on the radio broadcast Epicenter: West Marin Issues on KWMR 90.5 FM to talk pesticides and the Worker Protection Standard. Liebman was joined by Hector Sanchez of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement. Host Frederick Smith discusses with Liebman and Sanchez a variety of pesticide-related issues, including protections for farmworkers and their families, farmworkers' risks of pesticide exposures, how pesticides are regulated, their health effects on farmworkers and their families, and what healthcare providers can do to mitigate, diagnose, manage, and report pesticide exposures.

During the interview Liebman referenced the Agricultural Health Study, which is available here.

The importance of clinical diagnostic tools and biomonitoring of exposures to pesticides as well the role of clinicians in pesticide reporting and the challenges clinicians face in accurately diagnosing patients exposed to pesticides are described in a presentation by Matthew Keifer, MD, MPH and Amy K. Liebman, MPA. Click on the link for an APHA policy resolution underscoring the need for clinical diagnostic tools and biomomitoring of exposures to pesticides. This policy supports the information outlined by in the presentation.