This comic book in English and Spanish conveys basic information on respiratory health and air pollution. It reviews the respiratory system, particulate matter and sources of air pollution. It also talks about ways workers and their families can protect themselves.
- Clear-the-Air-Protect-Your-Health-From-Bad-Air_5-22-24_Digital.pdf (3.08 MB)
- Clear-the-Air_Comic_5-22-24_Template.pdf (21.78 MB)
- Nadie-sabe-que-respira-hasta-que-la-falta-el-aire_5-22-24_Digital.pdf (3.1 MB)
- Nadie-sabe-que-respira_5-22-24_Comic+Logo.pdf (21.94 MB)
Adults Get Vaccinated Too is an educational tool in the form of a comic book for health educators who work with the community and who need to provide information about vaccinations, when and where they are administered, and the symptoms that characterize the diseases they prevent.
Through a conversation between farmworkers in the field, this colorful and easy-to-understand comic book helps its readers to learn, in a simple and natural way, the importance of getting vaccinated and boosting their vaccines during their adulthood to prevent diseases such as hepatitis B, meningitis, chickenpox, influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella and COVID-19.
- Adults Get Vaccinated Too-Comic_2024-3-7_Digital.pdf (4.53 MB)
- Adults Get Vaccinated Too-Comic_2024-3-7_Print.pdf (45.12 MB)
- Adults-Get-Vaccinated-Too_Comic_2024-5-9_Template.pdf (44.37 MB)
- Los-grandes-tambien-se-vacunan_Comic_2024-3-7_Digital.pdf (4.1 MB)
- Los-grandes-tambien-se-vacunan_Comic_2024-3-7_Imprimir.pdf (49.42 MB)
- Los-grandes-tambien-se-vacunan_Comic_2024-5-9_Plantilla.pdf (47.83 MB)
Among the many obligations health care providers have to their patients, their families and life in general, they forget to put themselves on the priority list. This comic book dedicated to health care providers reminds them how important it is to take care of themselves to meet the needs of their patients and families. It also offers simple self-care steps to improve overall wellness.
This comic book tells us how Juan learned to protect himself from pesticides at work. This resource presents in a very simple and entertaining way what are the sources of exposure to pesticides, their short- and long-term effects on the body, and what can be done to protect oneself from them. It is a great resource for farmworkers and promotores de salud!
Worker Protection Standard Pesticide Safety Training Curriculum - Culturally and linguistically appropriate curriculum with supporting resources for training workers on the revised Worker Protection Standard. Developed by the Florida State University PISCA Project and Migrant Clinicians Network.
- WPS PesticidasEnglishFINAL4_2021Website.pptx (33.52 MB)
- WPS PesticidasSpanishFINAL4_2021_Website.pptx (19.67 MB)
- WPSPesticidesFlipChartFINAL_1_23_2020.pdf (8.32 MB)
- WPS Pesticide Facilitator Guide English 2020.pdf (2.03 MB)
- WPS Pesticide Training Facilitator Guide Spanish 2020.pdf (1.99 MB)
- Juan Abre los Ojos como protegerse de los pesticidas (01 14 2020)_0.pdf (7.25 MB)
Diabetes is a common but complicated health condition facing agricultural workers within the United States. To help assist agricultural workers in learning about this diagnosis, Migrant Clinicians Network has partnered with professional artist and collaborator Salvador Sáenz to create “Mi salud es mi tesoro: Un guía para vivir bien con diabetes,” or, “My Health is My Treasure: A Guide to Living Well with Diabetes.” This low-literacy comic book explores the topic through the full-color story of an agricultural farmworker named Goyo, whose recent diagnosis of diabetes prompts him to engage in conversations with other agricultural workers on topics of diet, exercise, and illness prevention while facing the unique hurdles of living a life of migration. The comic book was originally produced in Spanish, and is now available in English below. Please click "Leer en español" above to access the Spanish-language version.
In order to print the right number of comic books, we are asking organizations to pre-order in quantities up to 500. The comic book and shipping will be paid for by MCN. In exchange, we simply ask that you, or someone from your organization, complete an evaluation of the comic book several months after you first receive it. Information from the evaluation will help us improve our resources and will give us important insight into how the comic book is being used in the community.
Download a digital copy of the comic book below!
- 2022-6-13_My-Health-Is-My-Treasure_Comic_WEB.pdf (4.97 MB)
- 2022-6-13_My-Health-Is-My-Treasure_Comic_PRINT.pdf (38.95 MB)
- 2023-8-4_Mi-salud-es-mi-tesoro_Comic_WEB_0.pdf (4.87 MB)
- 2023-8-4_Mi-salud-es-mi-tesoro_Comic_PRINT.pdf (38.74 MB)
- 2023-8-21_Mi-salud-es-mi-tesoro_PuertoRico_Web_0.pdf (5.74 MB)
- 2023-8-21_Mi-salud-es-mi-tesoro_PuertoRico_PRINT.pdf (40.76 MB)
A guide to know how to react when you see someone being harassed. Art and script by Uriel Saenz and Alma Galván.
Chapter 14: Pesticides Are Poison from the health guide: A Community Guide to Environmental Health.
Libro cómic educativo bilingüe sobre cómo prevenir las enfermedades zoonóticas. Desarrollado por MCN en colaboración con la Universidad Estatal de Ohio.
- Working with farm animals_1.pdf (13.33 MB)
- Trabajos con animales en un rancho_1.pdf (13.31 MB)
Este diccionario ilustrado bilingüe de MCN, "Seguridad en Palabras/ Safety in Words", muestra los peligros que hay en el lugar de trabajo y las mejores prácticas para la salud y la seguridad en la agricultura. Desarrollado con el apoyo del Programa de Subvenciones Susan Harwood de OSHA, este recurso refuerza el vocabulario en inglés de los trabajadores que hablan español lo que ayudará a prevenir lesiones en la agricultura.
This colorful bilingual comic addresses workers' compensation and immigrant dairy farm workers’ rights and responsibilities. It tells the story of a Mexican dairy farm worker who is injured on the job and the steps he and his employer take to make sure he receives his benefits, and the farm improves its safety.
- DairyWrkrRightsWrkComp_ENG2016_web.pdf (7.78 MB)
- DairyWrkrRightsWrkComp_ESP2016_web.pdf (7.92 MB)
- COMIC - Safety and Health on the Farm - New Mexico - English.pdf (3.4 MB)
- COMIC - Safety and Health on the Farm - New Mexico - Spanish.pdf (3.41 MB)
- COMIC - Safety and Health on the Farm - New York - English.pdf (3.45 MB)
- COMIC - Safety and Health on the Farm - New York - Spanish.pdf (3.46 MB)
- COMIC - Safety and Health on the Farm -Minnesota -English.pdf (7.78 MB)
- COMIC - Safety and Health on the Farm - Minnesota - Spanish_0.pdf (7.91 MB)
¡Cuídate! is an educational resource on the prevention of musculoskeletal injuries at work. This comic is in Spanish, English and Haitian Creole.
- injury prevention ENGLISH 2019.pdf (19.34 MB)
- injury prevention SPANISH 2019.pdf (11.9 MB)
- injury prevention WEB CREOLE AUG 14 2019.pdf (12.77 MB)
MCN Spanish educational comic book that addresses pesticide exposure in women of reproductive age. LO QUE BIEN EMPIEZA...BIEN ACABA: Consejos para las mujeres para prevenir daños a la salud y a sus bebés causados por pesticidas.
- lo que bien empiezacomic 2015-20mb.pdf (16.45 MB)
Three printable brochures on Asthma, Lead and Pesticides produced by Farmworker Justice.
- SpanishBrochures.pdf (4.88 MB)
- EnglishBrochures.pdf (4.88 MB)
This pesticide comic book targets migrant and seasonal farmworker families to educate parents about children's risks to pesticide exposure and ways to minimize these risks. The latest edition is currently only available Spanish though we are working on releasing an updated version of the comic in English.
We are currently "sold out" of our printed pesticide comic book. We are looking for additional funding. In the meantime, please download an e-copy.
- PesticidesNearbyButHealthyENG_2007_0.pdf (1.33 MB)
- AUNQUE-CERCA-SANO-2020_PRINT.pdf (21.69 MB)
A Spanish language trifold with pesticide safety information.
- TrCaptico_pesticidas.pdf (7.28 MB)
A Spanish language comic books that explains the dangers of pesticides and offers practical, less toxic approaches to pest control. Produced by the Center for Environmental Resource Management at UTEP.
A comic book produced by the PACE Project. You can also order these for $10 from the Department of Family and Community Medicine, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Medical Center Boulevard, Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1084.
- elterror.pdf (816.65 KB)
The manual is a guide that can be used by community workers, educators, and health promoters for their educational activities in the community. It provides information on the risks of exposure to environmental contaminants and pesticides and ways to reduce those risks. It also includes useful information and tips for working in the community.
As for the comic book, community workers, educators and health promoters can use it as an educational tool to inform their community about the risks of environmental contaminants and pesticides.
- pocovenenocomicless20.pdf (16.8 MB)
- A LITTLE POISON WILL IT KILL YOU_June-2019.pdf (5.14 MB)
- Poco Veneno No Mata 2nd Edition - June2019.pdf (5.27 MB)
Bilingual training modules on Asthma, Lead, Pesticides, Water and Sanitation and Popular Education. Produced by Farmworker Justice as part of their Clean Environment for Healthy Kids. Contributing authors include Amy Liebman, Shelley Davis and Virginia Ruiz.
Pesticide educational materials for promotoras and the community. Includes promotora lesson plans and consumer educational materials about pesticide safety and can be purchased from Wake Forest University.
Radio Novelas- Las Historias de Melesio/Spanish Radio Novelas about Environmental Health(En Español)
Spanish radio novelas called, Las Historias de Melesio. With funding from the EPA Region III, MCN partnered with Rural Family Development of the Virginia Council of Churches to produce five radio novelas to promote environmental health information.
Note: All files are .mp3 type. To download and then listen, right-click and select "Save target as..." on the desired link above. To listen inside of the browser without downloading, simply click the desired link.
Pesticide and Pregnancy Handout, English and Spanish, from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine.
- PesticideandPregnancyHandoutEnglish.pdf (3.45 MB)
- PesticideandPregnancyHandoutSpanish.pdf (3.79 MB)