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COVID-19 and Our Community - Flipchart

COVID-19 and Our Community: Better Safe Than Sorry! is an educational material to support the work of community health workers on COVID-19 and its prevention. It is complemented by a guide with concrete suggestions on how to use the flipchart and links to resources for those who want to delve deeper into the subject and investigate if there are any changes in the information.

The flipchart includes basic concepts of COVID-19, prevention and vaccination in the form of clear and simple messages that are supported by culturally appropriate illustrations to facilitate the process of communicating and transmitting information to community members. You can download these resources for free in both English and Spanish.

Failures of US Health Care System for Pregnant Asylum Seekers

Migrant Clinicians Network's white paper, “Failures of US Health Care System for Pregnant Asylum Seekers,” outlines how pregnant asylum seekers who have been released into the US to await their asylum hearing face extreme obstacles to secure prenatal care, despite their legal presence within the country.

Without prenatal care, infants will not have the benefit of early screening and treatment for potentially life-threatening diseases and screening for congenital abnormalities, while in utero. Additionally, pregnancies without prenatal care may result in excess utilization of emergency services which produces unforeseen strain on the health care system.

Knowledge of prenatal care needs, cost, lack of insurance, transportation, refusal by health centers, and fear are delineated as key barriers for pregnant asylum seekers from accessing the care they need during their pregnancy.

Press contact: Claire Hutkins Seda,

Man in Green Shirt Sitting at Table Reading Newspaper Comic Image  Man in a Green shirt sitting at a table reading newspaper 2  Man in Green Shirt Sitting at Table Reading Newspaper Comic Image 3  Man in Green Shirt Sitting at Table Reading Newspaper Comic Image 3  Man in Blue Shirt Sitting at Table Reading Newspaper Comic Image  Elder Man in Blue Shirt Sitting at Table Reading Newspaper Comic Image

The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote vaccination for men of various ages. The illustrations promote vaccination, and text can be inserted into the white thought bubbles. 

Money in Thought Bubbles of man and woman talking with one crossed out  Money in Thought Bubbles of man and woman talking with one crossed out

The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations depict a healthcare worker and woman discussing vaccines and money. The images have empty speech bubbles that can be edited to include text. 

Computer chips and Vaccine in thought bubbles while Man and Woman are talking  Computer chips and Vaccine in thought bubbles while Man and Woman are talking  Computer chips and Vaccine in thought bubbles while Man and Woman are talking  Computer chips and Vaccine in thought bubbles while Man and Woman are talking  Woman and Man Discussing Hesitancies and MythsWoman and Man Discussing Hesitancies and Myths  Elder Woman and Man Discussing Hesitancies and Myths

The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations depict a healthcare worker and patient discussing the myth of microchips in vaccines. Some of the images include empty speech bubbles that can be edited to include text. These images can be used to help address vaccine myths regarding microchips in vaccines. 

Vaccinated Man and Woman Social Distancing and Wearing Masks  Vaccinated Man and Woman Social Distancing and Wearing Masks  Vaccinated Man and Woman Social Distancing and Wearing Masks  Vaccinated Woman and Child Social Distancing and Wearing Masks  Children Social Distancing and Wearing Masks

The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations depict two people standing six feet apart while wearing masks. The images can be used to promote social distancing and practices to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases. 

People Around the World

The following image can be used for social media posts or other purposes. Its purpose is to promote vaccination.  

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Three Vaccinated People  Three Vaccinated People

The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. It depicts three people with band-aid symbols on their clothing to represent vaccination. 

Vaccine and DNA

The following image can be used for social media posts or other purposes. Its purpose is to promote vaccination and communicate its safety. Text can be inserted into the white speech bubbles to explain that vaccinations are not harmful to human DNA. 

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Phone Image Communicating Vaccine Sign-Up and Timeline of Vaccines  Phone Image Communicating Vaccine Sign-Up and Timeline of Vaccines 2  Phone Image Communicating Vaccine Sign-Up and Timeline of Vaccines

The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. Their purpose is to promote the scheduling of vaccination appointments. 

Woman in Green Shirt Sitting at Table Reading Newspaper Comic Image  Woman in a Green shirt sitting at a table reading newspaper 2  Woman in Blue Shirt Sitting at Table Reading Newspaper Comic Image  Woman in Blue Shirt Sitting at Table Reading Newspaper Comic Image

The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote vaccination for women of various ages. The illustrations promote vaccination, and text can be inserted into the white thought bubbles. 

A pregnant vaccinated woman  A pregnant woman with questions about vaccines  A pregnant woman  A vaccinated mother nursing a child  A vaccinated mother nursing a child  A vaccinated mother nursing a child  A pregnant vaccinated woman  A pregnant woman  A vaccinated mother nursing a child  A vaccinated mother nursing a child  A vaccinated mother nursing a child  A vaccinated mother nursing a childA pregnant woman with questions about vaccines  A pregnant woman with questions about vaccines  A vaccinated mother nursing a child  A vaccinated mother nursing a child

The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote safe vaccinations for pregnant and nursing women. Both color and printer-friendly options are available. 

Elder vaccinated woman in purple shirt  Elder vaccinated woman in purple shirt

The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote vaccination for elders. Both color and printer-friendly options are available. 

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A vaccinated teen in a blue shirt  A vaccinated teen in a blue shirt

The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote vaccination for teenagers. Both color and printer-friendly options are available. 

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A mother and her child curious about vaccination  A mother and child with questions about vaccines  A woman and her child curious about vaccination  A mother and child have questions about vaccines  A mother and her child curious about vaccination  A mother and child with questions about vaccines  A woman and her child curious about vaccination  A mother and child have questions about vaccines

The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote vaccination for children and families. Both color and printer-friendly options are available. 

A child that has been vaccinated  A child that has been vaccinated  A child that has been vaccinated  Children that have been vaccinated  A child that has been vaccinated  A child that has been vaccinated  A child that has been vaccinated

The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote vaccination for children. Both color and printer-friendly options are available. 

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Environmental Education Curriculum

The primary goals of this project to be achieved through this curriculum are:

1) Increasing the capacity of students and community to think critically about environmental problems and the related decisions that affect human health and the environment as it relates to disaster preparation and response;

2) Increase community participation and collaboration with the goal of improving protections for human health and the environment as it relates to disaster preparation and response; and

3) Ensure chemical safety and safe water as it relates to disaster preparation and response.





  1. Currículo de educación ambiental: In this Spanish-language presentation, Alma Galván, MCH, Senior Program Manager of Occupational Health, provides an introduction to MCN’s environmental education curriculum presented in Puerto Rico.
  2. Agua Segura y seguridad con químicos: In this Spanish-language environmental education presentation, MCN’s Myrellis Muñiz-Márquez, MPH, Program Manager in Puerto Rico, shares tools to stay safe from chemical exposure, contaminated water, and non-point source pollution, before, during, and after a disaster.
  3. Emergencias y desastres: In this Spanish-language environmental education presentation, MCN’s Marysel Pagán-Santana, DrPH, MS, Senior Program Manager in Puerto Rico, identifies the environmental and health risks of disasters and encourages prevention measures and planning to protect individual and community health during and after emergencies.



Safe Water resources

Safe Water | Environmental Education Resources


Emergency and Disaster Management

Emergency and Disaster Management | Environmental Education Resources



El mundo continúa lidiando con COVID-19 y no se alcanza la inmunidad colectiva y el escepticismo, resistencia y vacilaciones sobre las vacunas continúa representando un gran obstáculo. Durante los primeros meses del esfuerzo de vacunación, el cineasta Chris Newberry y su equipo siguieron a un conjunto diverso de profesionales de la salud mientras ganaban la confianza de las comunidades en riesgo en todo Minnesota. El documental resultante es un tributo a los médicos, enfermeras, organizadores y personas influyentes que están adoptando los esfuerzos liderados por la comunidad para superar las dudas sobre las vacunas.

Las guías de discusión para el documental se pueden encontrar aquí: Ingles / Español


Conversación con los creadores de la película y un panel de expertos:

Quien desee ponerse en contacto con los productores con preguntas o ayuda en la organización de su propio evento VOCES DE CONFIANZA, puede contactarnos aquí: