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To allow leave time for employees to attend funerals of immediate family members.

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Are You Ready? provides a step-by-step approach to disaster preparedness by walking the reader through how to get informed about local emergency plans, how to identify hazards that affect their local area, and how to develop and maintain an emergency communications plan and disaster supplies kit. Other topics covered include evacuation, emergency public shelters, animals in disaster, and information specific to people with disabilities.

Are You Ready? also provides in-depth information on specific hazards including what to do before, during, and after each hazard type.

This link takes you directly to the full PDF document.

To assure relevance of the plan and ensure that all data is maintained and properly stored and all policies and procedures are followed to maximize recovery in the event of disaster.

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To delineate consistent guidelines for the creation, dissemination, and amendment of policies.

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To guarantee that there is not any wage discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, HIV / AIDS status and/or status a veteran or member of the armed services, between staff members who are performing comparable duties
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To safeguard financial resources by authorizing only certain individuals to sign contracts on behalf of the organization.

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MCN's Pesticide Clinical Guidelines and Pesticide Exposure Assessment Form assist in the recognition and management of acute pesticide exposures in primary care settings.

The pesticide guidelines were adapted from guidelines developed by Dr. Dennis H. Penzell, a former medical director of a Community and Migrant Health Center with experience in large-scale pesticide exposure incidents.

The Acute Pesticide Exposure Form was adapted from the data collection on an acute pesticide exposed patient tool developed by Matthew C. Keifer, MD, MPH, Director of the National Farm Medicine Center, appearing in the EPA's Recognition and Management of Pesticide Exposures, 6th Edition, EPA 2013.

These resources were developed with guidance from MCN's Environmental and Occupational Health Advisory Committee - a panel of healthcare professionals and researchers with expertise in pesticides and migrant health.

The following documents are a collection of the best resources available for taking a good occupational health history.

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Bilingual form to screen pregnant women for lead exposure.  Developed by MCN.

Guidelines for health care providers from the Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, a program in the California Department of Public Health that helps employers, workers, and others prevent lead poisoning in workers.

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Clinicial guidelines dealing with children and lead exposure.  Special emphasis on working with migrant children. 

Binational Immunization Guide

This Guide provides information on Mexico's Immunization Schedule, including number of doses and recommended ages.

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Use the link below to access MCN's Rapid Assessment Tool to help adolescent farmworkers identify agricultural tasks they perform in agriculture and facilitate clinician understanding about the health risks associated with it.  Youth worker images are adapted and reproduced with permission from the National Children Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety. Images copyrighted through Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin.

If computers and internet access are unavailable where patient care is provided, the worker assessment sheet and clinician information grid are available in PDF.

Lifetime Card for adults. MCN, along with CHEC (Community Health Education Concepts), has developed patient-friendly, low literacy, bi-lingual immunization cards for you to use with your clients. The cards are 5x7, and can be printed from your clinic computers.

HEAT ILLNESS CAN BE DEADLY. Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some even die. These illnesses and deaths are preventable.

OSHA has now posted a new Heat Illness Web Page that includes educational materials in English and Spanish, including low-literacy fact sheets for workers, worksite and community posters, and a public service announcement from Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis.  The Web page also includes a video from Assistant Secretary Dr. David Michaels (in English with a Spanish transcript).  OSHA will be posting additional materials on the Heat Illness Web page, including a lesson plan that employers can use to train their workers to stay safe in the heat and a heat index Smartphone app. 

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that occurs in the lungs. In addition to affecting the lungs, it can also result in complications that affect the heart and the abdomen. Every year, there are as many as 3,000 people diagnosed with mesothelioma. Men are four times more likely than women to be diagnosed with mesothelioma, and with the exception of benign mesothelioma all forms of the disease are terminal

Developed by MCN with funding from the Texas Department of State Health Services. This resource provides a guideline for healthy foods to eat in a page-size poster illustrating healthy foods in the right amounts, at which times, which foods to limit. Available in Spanish and English.

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From Health Reources and Services Administration this resource is available in Spanish and english. In an accessible, easy-to-read format, the Seasonal Flu guide provides: flu facts; every day prevention steps; and ways that community leaders can contribute to the flu prevention effort. This guide is an important fight the flu resource for our Spanish-speaking community and faith-based partners.

Order printed copies of the Seasonal Flu guide (in English or in Spanish) from the HHS Partnership Center by emailing Please include # of copies requested, mailing address (or interoffice mail stop) and person of contact in the email. Please specify if you are ordering the English or the Spanish version.

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Seven guidelines in English and Spanish. Colorful, illustrated poster address supervisor responsibilities for ensuring work conditions are appropriate and adequate . Training and supervision tips, specific to teens and to each job, are provided. Developed by National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety.

Guidelines for parents to match child's growth and development with the requirements of different farm chores in order to lessen the risk of farm related disease or injury in children and teenagers. North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks was developed by the National Children's Center for Rural Agricultural Health and Safety.

The Diabetes and Healthy Eyes Toolkit helps community health workers provide sight-saving information to people with diabetes. The Toolkit is available in Spanish and English and includes a:

  • Diabetes and Healthy Eyes Flipchart to help community health workers educate people with diabetes about eye diseases in a small group setting.
  • Diabetes and Healthy Eyes Module for background information and materials to assist community health workers in using the flipchart.
  • Watch Out for Your Vision! Brochure to distribute to people with diabetes to educate them about eye disease and the importance of getting a dilated eye exam at least once a year.
  • Medicare Benefits Card to promote the glaucoma and diabetic eye disease benefit under Medicare and inform the public about eligibility.
  • Publications Order Form to obtain diabetic eye disease materials and resources for distributing to people in your community.
  • Evaluation Form to share your thoughts and experiences using the Diabetes and Healthy Eyes Toolkit.
  • CD-ROM with copies of the module, flipchart and handouts.

Additional materials include a:

  • TRACK Diabetes Magnet (English only) to provide tips to people with diabetes about keeping their health on TRACK.
  • Lo bello entra por los deje que la diabetes cierre esa ventana (Beauty enters through the eyes. Don't let diabetes close the window.) Poster (Spanish only) to remind people with diabetes about receiving an annual dilated eye exam and offer tips about how to control diabetes.

Descripción del podcast:

Es importante que usted y su medico estén al tanto de todos los medicamentos que consume. Esta información podría mejorar su salud y evitar una situación peligrosa.

Description of the podcast:

It is important that you and your doctor are aware of all the medicines you take. This information could improve their health and avoid a dangerous situation.

Community health workers, educators and individuals from around the world use Where There Is No Dentist to help people care for their teeth and gums. This book's broad focus makes it an invaluable resource.

The author uses straightforward language and careful instructions to explain how to: examine patients; diagnose common dental problems; make and use dental equipment; use local anesthetics; place fillings; and remove teeth. There is also a special chapter on oral health and HIV/AIDS, which provides the dental worker with a detailed, well-illustrated discussion of the special problems faced by people living with HIV/AIDS, and appropriate treatment.

A factsheet on "How to prevent cholera" from The Hesperian Foundation. Cholera can be prevented through careful sanitation, careful use and treatment of water before drinking or cooking, and careful handling of food. This Factsheet is written in simple language and heavily illustrated and talks about the importance of sanitation, how to identify cholera and how to make your water safe to drink.

Hesperian’s Cholera fact sheet is illustrated, easy to read and available as a free download in English, Spanish, French, Haitian Kreyòl, and Arabic. The fact sheet talks about the importance of sanitation, how to identify cholera, and how to make your water safe to drink.

The Journal of Agromedicine published this FREE special issue (Volume 15, Issue 3) that presents papers based upon the research and safety strategies presented at the "Be Safe, Be Profitable: Protecting Workers in Agriculture" conference held in January 2010 in Dallas, Texas. The conference was a joint meeting of the Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASCHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). "It is our hope that this collection of editorials, panel presentations, plenary talks, and poster abstracts stimulates a new order of translational research, leading to effective research partnerships and improved health and safety outcomes," states Editor-in-Chief Steven Kirkhorn.

Do not miss the opportunity to read the results from this groundbreaking agricultural safety and health conference!

Program information for counties of Wicomico, Somerset, or Worcester residents. Supported by a Grant from the Maryland Affiliate of Susan G. Koman for the Cure this presentation outlines eligibility for the Koman Program, what the Koman Program provides, documentation, and who to refer clients to.

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The first website in Spanish of its kind to help consumers take control of their health care by connecting them to new information and resources that will help them access quality, affordable health care coverage. President Obama wrote an op-ed in La Opinion and El Diario La Prensa today that highlights the website and the importance of health reform to the Latino community.

A Child and Teen Card, both in Spanish/English. MCN, along with CHEC (Community Health Education Concepts), has developed patient-friendly, low literacy, bi-lingual immunization cards for you to use with your clients. The cards are 5x7, and can be printed from your clinic computers. MCN designed the card to be as simple as possible, and to include only the most important information. If the information is meaningful and understandable to the clients, they are more likely to understand the importance of keeping their shots up to date.

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