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A handout illustrating the way to read a nutrition label. The resource is available in both english and spanish.

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A visual guide for preparing a well-balanced plate. Available in Spanish and English.

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Acanthosis nigricans is a darkening of the skin, usually around the neck but sometimes on knuckles, elbows or toes or around the armpits or the groin. Having acanthosis nigricans can a warning sign that a person is at risk for diabetes. This patient education brochure explains basic information about acanthosis nigricans in English and Spanish.

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Some medical experts are calling for boys, in addition to girls, to be routinely vaccinated against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus. Although men can't get the cervical cancer that can result from HPV, they can get HPV and pass it on to their partners
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Handout describing the importance of nutrition specifically related to maintaining a balanced diabetic meal plan. Available in Spanish and English.

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This listserve, run by the National Center for Farmworker Health, is designed to facilitate, encourage and promote the exchange of migrant health research

This is a one-page Word document containing information on how to assess the usability of written health materials for adults with low literacy. The document lists questions to ask regarding Grade Level; Relevance; and Interest and Design of written health materials. This document is adapted from materials created by the Canadian Public Health Association, National Literacy and Health Program.
Contains tools for improving health literacy, government resources, and reports and research on health literacy issues.

The Migrant Clinicians Network’s (MCN) mission is to promote the health of farmworkers by providing a framework for professional development to clinicians and other healthcare providers. MCN responds to the expressed needs of clinicians in the field who serve farmworker families, the issues voiced by farmworkers themselves as they are interviewed and known by the representative members of MCN, and the strategic initiatives of the federal and public health communities as they impact migrant health. Monographs are one mechanism used by MCN to address gaps between medical care knowledge and migrant health practice. Acute, chronic, and preventive care needs of farmworkers require the clinician and health care community to recognize interrelationships between biological risk factors, environmental exposures, social and cultural components, political and economic realities, and occupational characteristics.

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The Quick Guide to Health Literacy including fact sheets and strategies to increase the usability of health information.
Health literacy incorporates a range of abilities: to read, comprehend, and analyze information; decode instructions, symbols, charts, and diagrams; weigh risks and benefits; and, ultimately, make decisions and take action.

The Food Stamp Program serves as the first line of defense against hunger. It enables low-income families to buy nutritious food with Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards. Food stamp recipients spend their benefits to buy eligible food in authorized retail food stores. Go to find local food stamp and search by state.

Answers to frequently asked questions about the diseases caused by tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis infections. The sheet also present information about the recently licensed tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap)vaccines.
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A algunos padres les preocupa que el timerosal, un conservante que contienemercurio y se encuentra en la vacuna contra la gripe, provoque autismo. Sin embargo, durante los útimos años, una serie de estudios biolígicos y epidemiolígicoshan demostrado que esta preocupación no tiene fundamento. A continuación sepresenta un resumen de la evidencia que demuestra que, aunque algunas cosas sí causan autismo, el mercurio de las vacunas no es una de ellas.
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En Febrero de 2006, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) recomendaron una nueva vacuna para proteger a los lactantes contra el rotavirus. El rotavirus provoca fiebre alta, vómitos y diarrea persistentesennios pequeños, normalmente durante el invierno en los Estados Unidos.
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Answers to frequently asked questions about the diseases caused by human papillomavirus infections. Also present information about the recently licenced human papillomavirus(HPV) vaccines.
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Completion of the web-based education course is required for all investigators and research team members, regardless of the source or type of funding.Recertification is required every 3 years after initial certification. Researchers must take the Basic Course for your Learner Group for recertification. After this, you are only required to complete the Refresher Course for recertification. Recertification is required every 3 years.
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The Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association, is a set of ethical principles for the medical community regarding human experimentation. It was originally adopted in June 1964 and has since been amended multiple times.
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