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May is Hepatitis Awareness Month. In light of this, we're posting a special edition for the month of May. The Migrant Clinicians Network is happy to release the position paper "Hepatitis Screening, Immunization and Testing for Mobile Populations and Immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean." This paper clarifies standard hepatitis recommendations for these populations.

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We are finishing a three part series on substance abuse and Hepatitis B and C.

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The following links and and articles are available In the January Listserv: 1. Links to the full text of the ACIP recommendations for infants, adolescents, and children. 2. Dear Colleague Letter about New Recommendations to Prevent Perinatal HBV. Summary of the recommendations from HEP EXPRESS Viral hepatitis news from the Immunization Action Coalition Issue Number 39, January 6, 2006 3. ”Hepatitis B Vaccine Considered for All Adults from American Medical News on upcoming adult immunizations, summarizes issues that are central to the HepTalk project clinics and their clients. The article includes a mention of MCN's recommendations on these issues.

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Our focus this month is treatment for Hepatitis B and C.

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The focus for the month of April is Hepatitis C. The following links are included below: 1. Screening for Hepatitis C: A Common Sense Approach 2. Hepatitis C in New Mexico: A Public Health Approach to a "Silent" Epidemic 3. A Guide to Understanding Hepatitis C/Guia para Comprender la Hepatitis C 4. Combatting HCV Fatigue 5. Cost Estimates for Hepatitis Tests

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The October issue of the Heptalk Listerv covers: 1. “Incorporating Sexual Risk Assessment in Routine Visits for Gay and Bisexual Men” Though targeted towards a narrower population, is applicable in most routine visit situations. Also includes some good specific questioning techniques. 2. Sexual History Taking. A complete module, in pdf form from the New England National Network of STD/HIV Prevention Training Centers, using 4 case studies. It reads easily and quickly and has many good suggestions.

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