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MMWR October 19, 2007 / 56(41);1080-1084 (See separate resource listing and link for Q&A about these new recommendations.

Continuing with the information on interpreting vaccine schedules from Mexico in the May-June Listserv we offer the Migrant Clinician Network's new 2007 Mexican Migrant Guide: Recommended Vaccines for Recent Immigrants from Mexico, guide, and a vaccine equivalency chart for the state of Arizona. In addition, an important new resource, Health Care Language Services Implementation Guide is available through the Office of Minority Health.

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1. HEPATITIS B FOUNDATION UPDATES NON-ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHAPTERS 2. Comparison of Costs for Hepatitis B Drug Therapy 3. MMWR Weekly May 12, 2006 / 55(18):509-511 Hepatitis B Vaccination Coverage Among Adults --- United States, 2004

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1. Review 2. Review 3. Hep Transmission Hot Spots 4. Hep Transmission Hot Spots

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1. Recruitment and Retention 2. Hablamos Juntos "We speak together" 3. The Cross Cultural Health Care Program 4. Roadmaps for Clinical Practice series - Improving Immunization

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1. Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Management: 2000-2005 Update. 2. Doc Eye for the Hep Guy: Management of HCV Treatment-Experienced Patients 3. Reference for Interpretation of HCV Test Results 4. “If you have hepatitis C, which vaccinations do you need?”

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1. An Overview of Drinking Water Quality and Water and Sanitation-Related Disease. 2. Agua que hay microbios: Una guia para el cuidado del agua e higiene en el hogar. 3. Una vida sana empieza si hay comida con limpieza: Una guia para el cuidado e higine de los almientos en el hogar. 4. Excerpts from Waterborne Illnesses CME/CE, Sussan K. Sutphen, MD, MEd

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We are sending you just one important resource for May and June, a guide for interpreting immunization schedules from Mexico, including Hepatitis B.

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Current News is our focus for March and April. The Surveillance Summary for Acute Viral Hepatitis released in March indicates declining rates of all three common types of Hepatitis, A, B. and C. Underlying the good news is the continuing importance of making sure that adults, especially in segments of the population still living outside of the reach of most health care systems, are screened, offered B vaccination, educated about risks, and tested as necessary.

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The vaccine could be used in the event the current H5N1 avian virus were to develop the capability to efficiently spread from human to human, resulting in the rapid spread of the disease across the globe. Should such an influenza pandemic emerge, the vaccine may provide early limited protection in the months before a vaccine tailored to the pandemic strain of the virus could be developed and produced

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Children with asthma should get flu shots to protect them, but only 3 in 10 do, U.S. health officials said.

This month's issue includes: 10 Charting Handout: A guide compiled by the HepTalk team to help you assess the risk assessment portion of your clinic’s forms. 2. Three articles regarding the effectiveness of charts, checklists, and other tools to increase preventive care. 3. Two articles regarding the use of EMR (electronic medical records).

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The Health Disparities Collaboratives (HDC), through HRSA - Health Resources and Services Administration, is an integrated and collaborative national effort to eliminate disparities and improve delivery systems of healthcare to all individuals living in the United States under the care of HRSA-supported Health Centers. The Management and treatment of depression is one of the HDC topics.

When we traveled across the country to visit your clinics, many of you expressed concerns about lack of funding for adult immunization and testing. Reprinted from the Immunization Action Coalition, we pass along an opportunity: IAC Express, Issue Number 642, January 24, 2007.

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As the nation's action, advocacy, and research forum for Hispanic health and well being, the National Alliance for Hispanic Health informs and mobilizes consumers, supports health and human service providers in the delivery of quality care, improves the science base for accurate decision making by promoting better and more inclusive research, promotes appropriate use of technology, insures accountability and advocates on behalf of Hispanics, and promotes philanthropy.

Your dental employment opportunity website. Designed specifically for the dental industry; providing inexpensive job opportunity advertising for dental practices, groups, educational institutions, suppliers and manufacturers.

Health Disparities Collaboratives Library has tools specific to Special Populations including Migrant and mobile underserved populations, such as Cardiovascular Migrant Flow sheets, Diabetes Formulary for Migrants, etc.

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