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Supportive Voice. Among The Most Vulnerable by Tina Castañares , MD. Fall 2008

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The Journal of Clinical Ethics. The Diagnosis of Dying by George F. Davis. Fall 2009. Volume 20, Number 3

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Webinar Presentation by Tina Castañares, MD George Davis, MD Jennie McLaurin, MD, MPH on Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Latino Migrants. Recorded on 8/22/2012.

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We are pleased to share that the Spanish version of the Traveling to Mexico and Latin America: A Guide for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS brochure. This brochure includes helpful tips for persons with HIV/AIDS traveling outside of the country. Also included is a listing of prominent HIV/AIDS organizations in various Latin American countries.

This resource (in English and Spanish) gives a basic overview of what breast cancer is and some of the general terms used to describe breast cancer.

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This resource includes some facts about skin cancer including risk factors and the signs and symptoms of skin cancer.

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This article describes an excellent integrated behavioral health program at a Federally Funded Health Center. The full abstract from the article is as follows: In a progressively complex and fragmented health care system and in response to the need to provide whole-person, quality care to greater numbers of patients than ever before, primary care practices throughout the United States have turned their attention and efforts to integrating behavioral health into their standard service-delivery models. With few resources and little guidance, systems struggle to gather the support required to establish effective integrated programs. Based on first-hand experience, we describe a working integrated primary care model, currently utilized in a large community health center system in Colorado, that encompasses universal screening, consultation, psychotherapy, and psychological testing. With appreciation for the way an organization’s unique circumstances inform the best approach for that particular organization, we highlight the clinical level and system-level variables that we consider necessary for successful practice development and address how our behavioral health program operates despite funding limitations. We conclude that organizations that aim for integrated primary care must mobilize leadership to implement systemic changes while making difficult decisions about program development, financing, staffing, and interagency relationships.

Moving Against Cancer: Effective Detection and Management of Cancer in Underserved Latinos. From Migrant Clinicians Network Sponsored Webinar presented June 12, 2012 by Jennie McLaurin, MD, MPH

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The 2012 Blueprint for Protecting Children in Agriculture. Awarded 2013 Paper of the year by the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health (ISASH), this National Action Plan takes an updated look at preventing childhood agricultural injury and death.

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 This research study was conducted on 8 dates of an annual flu shot clinic at the San Francisco General Hospital. Patients were offered flu shots as usual (control group) and on 9 other dates, patients were offered both flu shots and FOBT kits (intervention group). Researchers wanted to determine whether providing home fecal occult blood test (FOBT) kits to eligible patients during influenza inoculation (flu shot) clinics can contribute to higher colorectal cancer screening (CRCS) rates. The study concluded that offering FOBT kits during flu shot clinics dramatically increased the CRCS rate for flu shot clinic attendees. Pairing home FOBT kits with annual flu shots may be a useful strategy to improve CRCS rates in other primary care or public health settings.

From the National Center for Farm Worker Health

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To provide guidelines for a thorough and consistent management of immunizations to our Clients throughout the Waimanalo Health Center.

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To provide for pertussis prophylaxis by the Registered Nurse to avoid pertussis infection and spread of clinical disease in patients served by the LSCHC.
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An estimated 1.1 million people in the USA are living with HIV/AIDS.  Nearly 200,000 of these individuals do not know that they are infected.  In 2006, the CDC recommended that all healthcare providers routinely offer HIV screening to adolescent and adult patients.  Nurse-dentist collaborations present unique opportunities to provide rapid oral HIV screening to patients in dental clinic settings and reach the many adults who lack primary medical providers.  However, little is known about the feasibility and acceptability of this type of innovative practice. Thus, elicitation research was undertaken with dental providers, students, and patients. This paper reports the results of qualitative interviews with 19 adults attending a university-based dental clinic in New York City. Overall, patients held very positive attitudes and beliefs toward HIV screening in dental sites and identified important factors that should be incorporated into the design of nurse-dentist collaborative HIV screening programs.

This directory was created by the Education Committee of the Alliance for Latino Behavioral Health Workforce Development. The directory serves as a central repository for a range of academic programs that offer diverse graduate level behavioral health training opportunities with a Latino focus.

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Urinary Tract Infection treatment protocol decision tree.
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Sample protocol for the assessement and care of prenatal patients.
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Sample clinical protocol describing how the clinic works with patients who are suspected of being victims of abuse.
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To establish a procedure by which a patient may have antibiotics for prophylaxis ordered without a provider visit.
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A description of dental appointment and scheduling terms for dental receptionists.
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Checklist of delineation of privileges for either dentists or dental hygenists for applicants or new hires.
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Outlines Dental Productivity Guidelines, benchmarks and relevant procedures.

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To establish a procedure by which a LSCHC dentist may refer a patient to the medical clinic for a nurse only visit (without a medical provider visit) to have parenteral antibiotics for an emergency dental abscess.
To establish a procedure by which a patient may have referral for emergency dental problem without a provider visit.
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This flyer gives what to do and not do while traveling. Created by Migrant Clinicians Network Diabetes Program Funding provided by the Diabetes Program, Texas Department of Health. Available in Spanish and English.

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This flyer describes oral health for the diabetic.  It is in English and Spanish. 

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This flyer explains diabetes and kidney disease.  Available in Spanish and English.

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This flyer describes depression and the steps to health living.  Available in Spanish and English. 

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Any patient presenting or calling with any of the following conditions will receive immediate attention. If present in the clinic, the patient will be taken to an exam room immediately and the RN, PA , or physician will be called to make further evaluation. If the patient calls, the urgent call message will be taken director to the provider and in their absence, to the clinical coordinator or available RN for a plan of care.
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