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Module Two of MCN's educational offering "Adolescent Farmworkers at Risk" focuses on cultural competency in practice. Earn continuing education creditswhile learning more about this important topic.

Locate updated cancer education material and find states that provide financial assistance.

Legal advice for cancer patients. 213-736-1455


This site includes a comprehensive listing of complete cancer services.

Find information on prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other essential cancer related material.

Prevention of Hepatitis A Through Active or Passive Immunization: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) MMWR 2006;55[No.RR-07].
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the American Academy of Pediatrics, MMWR 1996;45 [No. RR-13].
Housing for cancer patient in NM. You may download a booklet of cancer resources in New Mexico fron their web site. 505-242-8433
Has a county map of the state with contact number for all BCCP providers.614-644-8700

Site has a list of service sites. 800-218-8408

Provides health education, screening, free mammograms and followup care for women with limited financial resources in Oklahoma. 918-272-9554
Once a year they provide low cost mammograms in Oklahoma. Possible source of finanacial assistance. 405-604-4642
Their low cost clinic offers a "woman's day" every three months which includes cancer screening services. 405-236-0737
Web site has list of all local health dept. 800-422-6012
This site has a list of all mammography sites and hotlines in SD. 800-738-2301
This site has a list of screening locations in Utah. 800-717-1811
This site has list and map of screening facilities by county in Virginia. 804-786-3406
Free mammograms for women who do not qualify for BCCP in Washington. 253-752-4222
Web site has list of locations by county and provider. 888-438-2247