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This informational poster outlines what you can do and what you need to know about the bird flu.
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This photonovella accompanies the video "La Vida Mia"

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This poster outlines four simple steps you can do to protect you and your family.
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You and your baby pregnancy pamplet.
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Strategic plan developed by DSHS for Influenza Pandemic
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A Spanish educational comic book that promotes safe hygiene. Emphasis on food safety and handwashing. For more information contact the Veronica Corella-Barud (
From the New York State Department of HealthRisk Assessment and Tailored Harm Reduction Messages
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From the New York State Department of HealthRisk Assessment and Tailored Harm Reduction Messages
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A listing with links and ordering information to the EPA's bilingual posters, handbooks, guides, videos, CDs and other materials about pesticide safety and how to recognize and treat heat related illnesses.

Following natural disasters there is often a sharp rise in violence against women and children, especially for those who have lost their homes and who are living in crowded shelters. Teenage girls, young women, and separated children are at special risk.
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Small changes in what you eat can go a long way! Here are some suggestions of changes you can make and why they are healthier. Start by making one change a day and then add more changes at your own pace. Available in both Spanish and English.

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Created by Migrant Clinicians Network Diabetes Program Funding provided by the Diabetes Program, Texas Department of Health.  This is a brochure which explains which foods are healthy and unhealthy while traveling. A dietary guide in english and spanish. Eat these foods in the right amounts, at the right times of the day. Don’t skip meals and don’t eat too much! Available in Spanish and English.

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Protect yourself from the flu at home and work.
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Be educated about Influenze; Don't panic, be prepared!
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Usted y su bebe pregnancy pamphlet.
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The Pepin Comic Book series covers seven immunization topics: Td, Chickenpox, MMR, DTaP, Hep A, Hep B, and After the Shot. These low literate, popular education materials are available in English and Spanish to help clinicians educate parents about the importance of getting their children vaccinated.

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The Pepin Comic Book series covers seven immunization topics: Td, Chickenpox, MMR, DTaP, Hep A, Hep B, and After the Shot. These low literate, popular education materials are available in English and Spanish to help clinicians educate parents about the importance of getting their children vaccinated.

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The Pepin Comic Book series covers seven immunization topics: Td, Chickenpox, MMR, DTaP, Hep A, Hep B, and After the Shot. These low literate, popular education materials are available in English and Spanish to help clinicians educate parents about the importance of getting their children vaccinated.

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This position paper provides critical information that clarifies standard hepatitis screening and vaccination recommendations for these populations. New updated version July 2008.
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A handy one page reference that covers basic hepatitis facts. Useful for keeping in exam rooms.
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Hepatitis Patient Education poster in English ready to download and print out for your use.
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Bilingual tool to educate patients about blood glucose management and the A1c test. It has a visual illustration of A1c levels categorized as "danger", "caution" and "success!" as well as pictorial representations of body parts that can be damaged by high glucose levels and a space for outlining self management goals. Available in Spanish and English.

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Vacunacion un gesto de amor
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