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Clinical Trials web site addresses the following: What are clinical trials? What are investigational drugs? What are therapeutic levels of evidence? And more.
The Association of Community Cancer Centers - Clinical Trials Resource Center Partners with Thomson CenterWatch, for information on clinical research for healthcare professionals, patients and their advocates. Please log on to learn more about clinical research and new medical therapies for treating Oncology.
Find answers to common questions about clinical trials.

Provides short-term relief and development assistance to economically disadvantaged people and victims of disaster throughout the world. In the United States, Operation Blessing International focuses on providing food, clothing and other material assistance to inner-city and rural families facing financial hardship.

On this web page you could find education on Clinical Trials such as: Background, Clinical Trial Phases, Safety, Pre-enrollment Information, Drugs and Placebo, and Your Doctor and the Clinical Trial.
This site is to be used as a resource to find qualified sites that deal with Breast Cancer such as breast cancer news and information, support and advocacy, alternative approaches and general cancer information.
Breast Cancer Action carries the voices of people affected by breast cancer to inspire and compel the changes necessary to end breast cancer
ALCASE supports people with lung cancer and their families; offers quarterly newsletter, resource list, and toll free telephone support.
Comprehensive directory of lung cancer information and resources for patients and their families

On this web site you will find a breast health center, action center, map of hope, petitions, message boards, newsletter, a breast cancer glossary, facts and different resources. This web site also has Spanish information.

The EPA webpage with detailed information on WPS.
All about the virus from CDC website
One-stop location for current toxicity and regulatory information for pesticides. Easy access to reporting guidelines for each state.
The Sage Screening Program is a statewide comprehensive breast and cervical cancer screening program whose primary objective is to increase the proportion of age-appropriate women who are screened for breast and cervical cancer.
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, the only survivor-led advocacy organization working exclusively on behalf of people with all types of cancer and their families, advocates for quality cancer care.
Methods for the disease control, OIE /World organization for Animal Health
Works with farmworkers and their families to reduce and eliminate their exposures to pesticides.
HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt today announced this tool that provides guidance for religious organizations, social service agencies that are faith-based and community organizations to plan for the impact of a pandemic on their organization and mission."The collaboration of faith-based and community organizations with public health agencies will be important in protecting the public if and when a pandemic occurs," Secretary Leavitt said. "These organizations provide vital support services and can help build awareness of the pandemic influenza threat. By working together now, we'll be better equipped to serve communities in the future."