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(HEP) helps migratory and seasonal farmworkers (or children of such workers) who are 16 years of age or older and not currently enrolled in school to obtain the equivalent of a high school diploma and subsequently to gain employment or begin postsecondary education or training. To find a university go to the link and download the directory. Office of Migrant Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW FOB-6 Washington, D.C. 20202-6135 Phone:(202)260-1164

A weblog about the business of immigrant work: employment, compensation, legal protections, education, mobility, and public policy.

On many occasions, MCN staff has heard from colleagues in the area of migrant health that the official legislated definition of a Migrant or Seasonal Farmworker used in HRSA funded health centers is not representative of the population now being served in many M/CHCs. In order to have a clearer understanding of the opinions held by our colleagues, MCN initiated a 3 week-long survey in June, 2006 to gather information from individuals providing direct health services about the possible strengths or weaknesses of the definition of migrant currently in use. Here are the results.

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Works to empower migrant and seasonal farmworkers to improve their living and working conditions, immigration status, health, occupational safety, and access to justice. Works with farmworkers and their families to reduce and eliminate their exposures to pesticides.

Migrant Health Promotion is committed to strengthening the capacity of farmworker families and their communities to improve their health through collaborative peer education and advocacy.

Background Briefing Prepared for Task Force on Immigration and America's Future.
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The figures show that immigration trends are forming a unique generational divide: those immigrants over 40 are largely white, while those under 40 are increasingly Hispanic, Asian and from other minority groups.

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This report focuses on the health and well-being of young children under 6 in immigrant families, those with at least one parent born outside the United States. Eight key themes emerge from the research.
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