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The Global Fund was created to finance a dramatic turn-around in the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. These diseases kill over 6 million people each year, and the numbers are growing.

Yes! A cornerstone of the Collaboratives is measurement. The over 65,000 patients are enrolled in a national registry, and have outcomes tracked on a regular basis. We can say with confidence that care and outcomes are improving: self-management, specialty referrals, medication access, and indicators such as HgbA1c are all better for enrolled patients than for pre-enrollment data. Patients with diabetes enrolled in the Collaborative are actually healthier than their white insured counterparts in the private sector! (Bodenheimer, T, MD; Lorig,K RN, DrPH; Holman, H, MD; and Grumbach, K, MD: “Patient Self-Management of Chronic Disease in Primary Care”: JAMA. 2002;288:2469-2475)

Legal Momentum advances the rights of women and girls by using the power of the law and creating innovative public policy.

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A nonprofit, community-based legal and social service agency serving the low-income Latino and foreign-born community in the D.C. metropolitan area. 202-387-2870

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The National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) is an employment-based, random survey of the demographic, employment, and health characteristics of the U.S. crop labor force. The information is obtained directly from farm workers through face-to-face interviews. Since 1988, when the survey began, over 53,000 workers have been interviewed.  The survey is funded by the United States Department of Labor. 

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Environmental Health Perspectives (May 2006)offers a mini monograph of farmworker pesticide exposure. Link to six papers now availalbe on-line.
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The number of substances reported by 127 farm workers in a study conducted in three southern states (Inscription in Drug Use among Farm Workers) ranged from one (17 persons) to ten/more (6 persons)...Learn More.
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Solid data is rare on migrant substance use. For several decades, the existent studies that had been published only discussed alcohol use [1,2]. Over the past decade, studies published on substances other than alcohol provide data on drug use in relation to other issues, such as HIV risk... Learn More.
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This manual focuses on primary eye care tasks that can be performed by community health care workers. Community health care workers include lay health workers, outreach workers, nurses, mid-level practitioners, and general practitioners. This manual will cover vision screening and basic eye care exams which can be conducted in a variety of clinical and non-clinical settings, as well as eye care education, first aid, and primary eye care in the field.
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Includes: 1. Substance Use and Migrant Labor: Part Two 2. Effects of hepatitis C virus co-infection on survival in veterans with HIV treated with Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. 3. Integrating Hepatitis, STD, and HIV Services into a Drug Rehabilitation Program. 4. The impact of barriers to Hepatitis C virus treatment in recovering heroin users maintained on methadone. (HepTalk project note: one of the agencies and some of the authors involved in this study are from the Oasis agency, one of MCN's peers in the Viral Hepatitis Education and Training co-hort of current CDC Division of Viral Hepatitis grantees. We are planning to use some of Oasis' excellent educational materials in our clinician training.) 5. Knowledge of and interest in hepatitis C treatment at a methadone clinic.

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