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Foreign Animal Diseases "The Gray Book", Part IV History, host range, geographic distribution, transmission, clinical signs, etc.
Urgent Need to eliminate the Animal Reservoir - Science Daily: Information on the disease in humans and reservoir of the disease.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’ s Cancer Control Program provides up dated cancer control information for providers and patients. Has educational material, research articles, guidelines and links.

VAWnet is an easily accessible and comprehensive collection of full-text, searchable electronic resources on domestic violence, sexual violence and related issues.

Check this link for a provider webcast and booklet, up-to-date English and Spanish pt education materials.
Go to the American Lung Association website to find local flu shot locations.

The fourth edition of the data book, developed by the Health Resources and Services Administration's Office of Women's Health, presents a profile of women's health. It highlights racial and ethnic disparities in women's health and is intended to be a concise reference for policymakers and program managers.

The United States Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women handles legal and policy issues regarding violence against women, and provides national and international leadership on the issue.

What’s new: For the latest Flu news from CDC

CHOOSE RESPECT teaches young teens and the caring adults in their lives about dating abuse prevention and healthy relationships.

This web site and toll-free call center were created to provide FREE, reliable health information for women everywhere.

An essay that appeared in CDC's publication, Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice and Policy, January 2005

Editorial about the case for taking public health action on the issue of Type 2 Diabetes.

provides complete, up-to-date and reliable information about vaccines to parents and healthcare professionals. Information and resources are available in English and Spanish.

Professional education for healthcare providers on health risks for adolescent farmworkers.

National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. (2002). A Report on Reaching Underserved Ethnic and Minority Populations to Improve Pediatric Immunization Rates.

That’s what some women farmworkers call the fields and orchards in which they face persistent sexual assaults. As if backbreaking work, low wages and pesticide poisoning weren’t enough… (article appeared first in Ms Mazazine's summer online issue)

In a case that spotlights problems faced by migrant women working on farms, a federal-court jury in Fresno on Friday found one of California’s largest agricultural businesses liable for sexual harassment and awarded its employee nearly $1 million.

The NASTAD Viral Hepatitis Program was funded by CDC to develop a comprehensive model for coordination between HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis programs.

The RWHP, founded in 1992, develops community-based educational materials. independently as well as in collaboration with other grass-roots organizations. Their projects focus on the health issues of rural women and their families, with a special emphasis on the challenges faced by Spanish-speaking farmworking families.

Because HCV-infection is usually silent until very late in the course of the disease, awareness and education are essential to identify infected individuals and encourage them to seek medical attention.

The CDC Division of STD Prevention developed online STD education modules for clinicians. The Self Study STD Modules for Clinicians offers free CME, CNE, and CEU for each of seven STD topics: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), vaginitis, herpes simplex virus (HSV) and human papillomavirus (HPV). Each module covers epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and partner services information along with an interactive case study.