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Radio Bilingüe is a Spanish language network on public radio.  Although it is mostly California based, there are affiliate stations in Carrboro, Asheville, and Greenville, North Carolina.  There is also a radio program broadcast in Mixteco called La Hora Mixteca.


Contact: Filemón López, Coordinator of La Hora Mixteca

(559) 455-5784

Residential lead (Pb) contamination, resulting from decades-long use of leaded gasoline and lead-based paint, is likely to be present in soils in most urban areas. A screening level sampling effort demonstrated that Lubbock, Texas, USA, like other cities of its age and size, has areas of elevated soil Pb.

The Oaxacan Indigenous Binational Front (FIOB) is a non-profit organization based in California. It is a coalition of indigenous organizations, communities, and individuals from Oaxaca, Baja California and in the State of California. This organization works to empower the indigenous peoples of Oaxaca and make sure that human rights are upheld for these communities in both Mexico and the United States.

The Language Materials Project works to provide a variety of materials, such as dictionaries, phrasebooks,grammars, and cultural materials.Currently, thewebsite only provides materials in one indigenous language (Nahuatl), but the project continually updates the language profiles, so additional languages may be added at a later date.
Rosetta Stone is a software company which markets a variety of language learning software.This company also has an Endangered Languages Division, which creates software to preserve less prevalent languages. The company currently does not have any software available in theIndigenous Languages of Latin America but is possibly interested in developing software with ECMHSP and its parents who speak indigenous languages.Contact Marion

This faith-based organization works to document and study lesser-known languages.  It has developed a number of materials, ranging from dictionaries to literature sources, in a wide variety of languages. 

The Native Literacy Center in Oaxaca, Mexico was founded by a group of professionals and native educators from Oaxaca to support literacy projects for indigenous peoples.  This center is involved with preservation, helping indigenous peoples to write their languages, print and publish individual works, write their histories, and record their knowledge for future generations.  People come from Central and South America to this Center, where they learn how to produce their own works.  The center also works with education, teaching indigenous peoples how to write their languages so that they are able to produce their own works. 

This digital archive features a number of recordings and texts in the indigenous languages of Latin America. Materials are available in Mixteco, Mam, Nahuatl, Otomi, Triqui, Zapoteco, and many other indigenous languages. These materials give information about the cultures of these indigenous groups. Original works of literature in indigenous languages are also published on this site. AILLA works to preserve written forms of these languages, but it also collects grammars, dictionaries, ethnographies, and research notes that can be used as teaching materials. Most of the archive is free and available to the public.

  1.  Online dicitionary in a variety of languages available under the "Foreign Language Aides for Latin America and Iberia" section, including Mixteco, Nahuatl, and Zapoteco.
  2.  Mixtec-Spanish Online Dictionary                 
  3.  Mixtec dictionary created by the SIL:
  4.  Mam-Spanish Dictionary


This website, owned by SIL International, provides detailed background information about less common languages.  Many of the indigenous languages have profiles. 

Note: Wikipedia also contains a variety of sites describing the basic characteristics of each of the indigenous languages. 

Western NC Workers Center:  Located in Morganton, North Carolina, the Western NC Workers Center is a non-profit group of community organizers.  This organization currently has a number of outreach and education projects which work to uphold the rights of immigrant and low wage employees in Western North Carolina.  They also work with high levels of Guatemalan immigrants who speak indigenous languages.  One of their projects designed to reach indigenous language speakers is their Promotora Education project, which uses scenario picture books without words to educate low literacy populations about health and work safety. 


Francisco Risso                                                                                                                (828) 432-5080                                                                                                   

Mayan Ministries:  Organized through the Diocese of Palm Beach in Florida, Maya Ministries works to address the needs of Mayan immigrants to the area.  These Mayan workers speak up to 25 different dialects of Mayan indigenous languages, but most can speak Spanish as well.  The organization’s main services are literacy programs for families, adult education programs, and early childhood education programs for children who have English as a second language.  They also offer a variety of social services referrals and translating specifically for Mayan immigrants.  They have a Literacy Program funded by the Department of Education that was written in the Mayan indigenous language Canjobal. 


Contact Information:

1615 Lake Ave.
P.O. Box 209 
Lake Worth, Fl 33460-0209

General information:

The World Health Organization (WHO) “World Oral Health Report 2003” emphasized that despite great improvements in the oral health status of populations across the world, problems persist. As knowledge is a major vehicle for improving the health of the poor in particular, the WHO Oral Health Programme focuses on stimulating oral health esearch in the developed and developing world to reduce risk factors and the burden of oral disease, and to improve oral health ystems and the effectiveness of community oral health programmes.

As dental capacity grows, the need for dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants committed to caring for underserved patients is growing as well. NNOHA coordinates a job bank to help connect Health Center dental openings with candidates looking for a career in service to underserved patients.

Describes the adverse health effects of lead in workers with blood-lead levels of 5-10 ug/dL and recommend changing OSHA’s medical removal trigger of 60 ug/dL. 

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The AgriSafe Network Distance Learning Webinars aims to provide appropriate and timely training opportunities for Network members and affiliates. Through partnering with the National Rural Health Association and the Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health, the Network has been able to offer a series of fantastic speakers using the web-based Elluminate program.

The US Department of Health and Human Services has published the Community Health Status Indicators Report, which contains health indicator data on over 200 measures for every county in the United States.

This site is presented as a free medical Spanish immersion, with vocabulary including greetings, history, examination, and everyday speech, all with translation and audio. It is designed to be helpful for a variety of medical personnel. In addition to introducing Spanish medical terms, this site will hopefully improve fluency and even cultural competency.

Each dialogue consists of a few statements from the patient, the patient's family, and healthcare providers. Click to hear my voice and pronunciation. Then, repeat aloud everything you hear. When listening to Spanish medical phrases, feel free to use the pause button, and, of course, replay the recordings when needed.

This paper reviews the available research on HIV/AIDS in the farmworker community, supplemented with relevant findings from research with related populations, i.e., Latino, rural, migrant. The research reported in this paper focuses on behavioral, social and cultural, and structural risk factors that affect this community, as well as on ways that health care providers can help reduce HIV/AIDS risk within this highly vulnerable group.
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Foreign Language Study and International Health Work: Selected Resources

This 2008 MCN/FJ Monograph compiles research on pesticides, pregnancy and reproductive health. English and Spanish.

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Useful Databases and links to find pesticide usage by crop, acreage or volume (weight).
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The Commonwealth Fund/Harvard University Fellowship in Minority Health Policy is a one-year, full-time, academic degree-granting program designed to create physician-leaders, particularly minority physician-leaders, who will pursue careers in health policy, public health practice, and academia.
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This June issue highlights the use of volunteers in Health Care for the Homeless and Migrant Health Centers.

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Which papers have provided the most interesting recent advances in tuberculosis research? Which new discoveries in pathogenesis, epidemiology, drug discovery or vaccine development have been the most important or are likely to have the highest impact to the field?
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These recommendations represent the first statement by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) on the use of a quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on June 8, 2006. This report summarizes the epidemiology of HPV and associated diseases, describes the licensed HPV vaccine, and provides recommendations for its use for vaccination among females aged 9-26 years in the United States. March 2007.
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This site, sponsored by the Office of Minority Health (OMH), offers the latest resources and tools to promote cultural competency in health care. You may access free online courses accredited for continuing education credit as well as supplementary tools to help you and your organization promote respectful, understandable, and effective care to your increasingly diverse patients.

This reports outlines the findings of a survey designed to document the health problems of African-American, Hispanic, and Haitian former Lake Apopka farmworkers, many of whom are experiencing significant and life-threatening health problems which they believe to be connected to their exposure to multiple sources of environmental contamination.

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Some medical experts are calling for boys, in addition to girls, to be routinely vaccinated against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus. Although men can't get the cervical cancer that can result from HPV, they can get HPV and pass it on to their partners
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