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American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN) works to advance the profession of occupational and environmental health nursing.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is an organization of primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children and adolescents.

Barnga is a staff simulation activity that emphasizes the power of subtle differences in culture as they effect communication.
Module Two of MCN's educational offering "Adolescent Farmworkers at Risk" focuses on cultural competency in practice. Earn continuing education creditswhile learning more about this important topic.

Yes! A cornerstone of the Collaboratives is measurement. The over 65,000 patients are enrolled in a national registry, and have outcomes tracked on a regular basis. We can say with confidence that care and outcomes are improving: self-management, specialty referrals, medication access, and indicators such as HgbA1c are all better for enrolled patients than for pre-enrollment data. Patients with diabetes enrolled in the Collaborative are actually healthier than their white insured counterparts in the private sector! (Bodenheimer, T, MD; Lorig,K RN, DrPH; Holman, H, MD; and Grumbach, K, MD: “Patient Self-Management of Chronic Disease in Primary Care”: JAMA. 2002;288:2469-2475)

You can use this site to find a wealth of information about clinical research, including listings of more than 41,000 active industry and government-sponsored clinical trials, as well as new drug therapies in research and those recently approved by the FDA. 617-856-5900
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The National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) is an employment-based, random survey of the demographic, employment, and health characteristics of the U.S. crop labor force. The information is obtained directly from farm workers through face-to-face interviews. Since 1988, when the survey began, over 53,000 workers have been interviewed.  The survey is funded by the United States Department of Labor. 

Environmental Health Perspectives (May 2006)offers a mini monograph of farmworker pesticide exposure. Link to six papers now availalbe on-line.
The number of substances reported by 127 farm workers in a study conducted in three southern states (Inscription in Drug Use among Farm Workers) ranged from one (17 persons) to ten/more (6 persons)...Learn More.
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Solid data is rare on migrant substance use. For several decades, the existent studies that had been published only discussed alcohol use [1,2]. Over the past decade, studies published on substances other than alcohol provide data on drug use in relation to other issues, such as HIV risk... Learn More.
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Excerpts from "Inscription In Drug Use Among Farm Workers," Original (unpublished) research by Dr. Keith Bletzer.
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Background Briefing Prepared for Task Force on Immigration and America's Future.
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The figures show that immigration trends are forming a unique generational divide: those immigrants over 40 are largely white, while those under 40 are increasingly Hispanic, Asian and from other minority groups.

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This monograph looks at the incidence of cancer in mobile populations as well as significant issues in cancer screening, treatment and prevention for this population.
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This report focuses on the health and well-being of young children under 6 in immigrant families, those with at least one parent born outside the United States. Eight key themes emerge from the research.
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Overview of domestic violence in the migrant community.
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