Includes EPA manual "How to Comply With the 2015 Revised Worker Protection Standard For Agricultural Pesticides - What Owners and Employers Need To Know" and an excerpt specifically for clininicians regarding medical evaluation and respirator fit test. See also the medical evaluation questions in English and Spanish.
These Cholinesterase (ChE) clinical tools provide a concise and simple format to guide clinicians in monitoring the ChE levels for patients working with Class I and Class II organophosphates (OP) or OP and N-methyl-carbamates.
MCN's Pesticide Clinical Guidelines and Pesticide Exposure Assessment Form assist in the recognition and management of acute pesticide exposures in primary care settings.
The pesticide guidelines were adapted from guidelines developed by Dr. Dennis H. Penzell, a former medical director of a Community and Migrant Health Center with experience in large-scale pesticide exposure incidents.
The Acute Pesticide Exposure Form was adapted from the data collection on an acute pesticide exposed patient tool developed by Matthew C. Keifer, MD, MPH, Director of the National Farm Medicine Center, appearing in the EPA's Recognition and Management of Pesticide Exposures, 6th Edition, EPA 2013.
These resources were developed with guidance from MCN's Environmental and Occupational Health Advisory Committee - a panel of healthcare professionals and researchers with expertise in pesticides and migrant health.
- PesticideClinicalGuidelines_2014Nov.pdf (395.73 KB)
- 2022-Pesticide-Exp-Assessment_ENG.pdf (316.56 KB)
- 2016-08-16 - Acute Pesticide Exposures Clinical Guidelines (Spanish).pdf (203.88 KB)
- 2022_Pesticide-Exp-Assessment_SPA.pdf (626.33 KB)
Outlines the knowledge and skills that health professionals need to have about pesticides. This document is part of a national initiative aimed at ensuring that pesticides issues become integral elements of education and practice of primary care providers. English and Spanish
- NEETFPesticidePracticeGuidelines.pdf (2.04 MB)
- NEETFHabilidadesParaLaPracticaPesticidas.pdf (668.29 KB)