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FJF/MCN comments to the US Environmental Protection Agency against using human subjects to test pesticides.

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Maria Fernandez, 42, of Cancun, Mexico, sits outside a shoddy trailer she shares with other workers. "Everybody around here always has headaches, coughs, running noses," she said. "It has to do with that dust on the plants from the chemicals. You are always breathing it in."

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Since many exposures come during those field applications, the risks - to farmworkers and to nearby residents who can be affected if the chemicals drift - can occur much more frequently. "You are working in one field, and the tractor passes in the next field spraying," says Epifanio, 58, a veteran Mexican farmworker who asked that his full name not be used, out of fear for his job. "The wind brings it to you. It happens to somebody around here every single day."

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Probe of ill workers cited to expose flaws, Farmworker advocates say the state mishandled a case in which 20 migrants were sickened.

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Este libro cómico sobre pesticidas está dirigido a los trabajadores comunitarios y a las familias de trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y temporales. Tiene por objeto educar a los padres sobre los riesgos de exposición a pesticidas que tienen sus hijos y cómo reducir estos riesgos de exposición. La última edición sólo está disponible en español, aunque estamos trabajando para publicar una versión actualizada en inglés.

Actualmente se encuentra agotado el formato impreso de este libro cómico. Estamos buscando fondos adicionales para imprimirlo. Mientras tanto, usted puede descargar una copia electrónica libremente.

A Spanish language trifold with pesticide safety information.

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A Spanish language comic books that explains the dangers of pesticides and offers practical, less toxic approaches to pest control. Produced by the Center for Environmental Resource Management at UTEP.

El manual es una guía que pueden usar los trabajadores comunitarios, educadores y promotores de salud durante sus actividades educativas en la comunidad. Ofrece información sobre los riesgos de la exposición a los contaminantes ambientales y plaguicidas y las formas de reducir esos riesgos. También incluye información y consejos útiles para trabajar en la comunidad. 

En cuanto al libro cómico, los trabajadores comunitarios, educadores y promotores de salud pueden usarlo como una herramienta educativa para informar a su comunidad sobre los riesgos de los contaminantes ambientales y los plaguicidas.

Bilingual training modules on Asthma, Lead, Pesticides, Water and Sanitation and Popular Education. Produced by Farmworker Justice as part of their Clean Environment for Healthy Kids. Contributing authors include Amy Liebman, Shelley Davis and Virginia Ruiz.

Pesticide educational materials for promotoras and the community. Includes promotora lesson plans and consumer educational materials about pesticide safety and can be purchased from Wake Forest University.

Spanish radio novelas called, Las Historias de Melesio.  With funding from the EPA Region III, MCN partnered with Rural Family Development of the Virginia Council of Churches to produce five radio novelas to promote environmental health information.

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