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A visual guide for preparing a well-balanced plate. Available in Spanish and English.

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Acanthosis nigricans is a darkening of the skin, usually around the neck but sometimes on knuckles, elbows or toes or around the armpits or the groin. Having acanthosis nigricans can a warning sign that a person is at risk for diabetes. This patient education brochure explains basic information about acanthosis nigricans in English and Spanish.

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Handout describing the importance of nutrition specifically related to maintaining a balanced diabetic meal plan. Available in Spanish and English.

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One size doesn't fit all. MyPyramid Plan can help you choose the foods and amounts that are right for you. For a quick estimate of what and how much you need to eat..Available in Spanish and English.

California's Pregnancy and Diabetes program has a number of  resources on preganacy, nutrition and diabetes. Available in Spanish and English.

Patient education handout that discusses how diabetes affects the mouth and teeth. Available in English.

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High blood glucose levels and high blood pressure can cause problems with your vision, and can even lead to blindness. This patient education handout discusses how these problems can be addressed early on before major damage has occurred.

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This calendar worksheet allows patients to document their exercise for healthy living. Available in Spanish and English.

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Fotonovela for diabetes education and awareness that walks through the discovery of one woman that she has developed Type II Diabetes, and the emotions and life style changes that she goes through to adjust to the reality of having diabetes. Available in Spanish and English.

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This informational poster outlines what you can do and what you need to know about the bird flu.
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This poster outlines four simple steps you can do to protect you and your family.
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Protect yourself from the flu at home and work.
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Be educated about Influenze; Don't panic, be prepared!
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Small changes in what you eat can go a long way! Here are some suggestions of changes you can make and why they are healthier. Start by making one change a day and then add more changes at your own pace. Available in both Spanish and English.

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