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National Training and Technical Assistance Needs Assessment: An Important Opportunity to Share Your Needs

Every three years, the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), in conjunction with the National Training and Technical Assistance Partners (NTTAPs), conducts a national health center needs assessment to inform the development of operational training and technical assistance (TTA) needed by health centers to advance health center access, quality, and impact. Migrant Clinicians Network is a NTTAP funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to provide training and technical assistance for health center clinicians serving agricultural workers. Streamline, our in-print quarterly clinical publication, is one aspect of our educational efforts supported by HRSA; another is our robust bilingual webinars on emerging and ongoing health needs for farmworkers and other marginalized communities. Here's your opportunity to inform our efforts to best meet your needs!

This year’s National Health Center Training and Technical Assistance Needs Assessment provides an important conduit by which clinicians share the leading concerns for which they need more support. This assessment then informs the work of NTTAPs like Migrant Clinicians Network to better respond to the current and emerging issues that clinicians face when serving their patients at health centers.


During the last needs assessment in 2021, health center staff emphasized the need for training and technical assistance on issues of quality, patient care, and safety (according to 69% of respondents) which includes data collection; workforce experience and development (60%) including recruitment and retention; and access and affordability (53%), which covers outreach and enabling services like the development and evaluation of outreach programs.

Just 36% of health centers and health center look-alikes responded to the 2021 needs assessment. Around 12% of respondents were clinicians and clinical support staff. If higher numbers of frontline clinicians from health centers across the nation completed the needs assessment, the results would better reflect the ongoing needs that clinicians face. Migrant Clinicians Network strongly encourages health center staff of all levels to complete the needs assessment so our strategies can be of maximal use to clinicians.

The needs assessment is open through November 1, 2024. It is available in English and Spanish, and will take approximately 15 to 30 minutes to complete. Access the needs assessment here.