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Amy K. Liebman, MPA, Receives Shelley Davis Humanitarian Award for Contributions to Farmworker Communities

This week, Amy K. Liebman, MPA, Chief Program Officer of Workers, Environment, and Climate, received the Shelley Davis Humanitarian Award as part of the 24th Annual Legacy Awards presented by Farmworker Justice, in Washington, DC. The award recognizes those who have made notable contributions to farmworker communities. 

“Amy is an exceptional national leader who has made important contributions to improve the health of immigrant and migrant food and farmworkers – and I am thrilled that this award recognizes her expertise and decades of dedication to farmworker health. She voices the many and rapidly changing occupational hazards and health barriers that food and farmworkers experience, and builds culturally contextual solutions that have bettered people’s lives all across the nation,” explained Kim Nolte, MPH, Chief Executive Officer for Migrant Clinicians Network. “Regardless of the dangers that come -- from COVID to climate to pesticides -- Amy is engaged in making sure those who are historically marginalized and lack resources can find accessible and relevant health education and high-quality health care when they need it most.”

Liebman has devoted her career to improving the safety and health of disenfranchised populations. At Migrant Clinicians Network, she has established nationally recognized initiatives to improve the health and safety of immigrant workers and their families. She oversees programs ranging from integrating occupational and environmental medicine into primary care to designing worker safety interventions. She is a national leader in addressing worker safety and environmental justice through the community health worker (CHW) model. She has been a strong advocate for worker health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, leading programs to improve access to care and culturally contextual education for migrants and immigrants.


The Shelley Davis Humanitarian Award is particularly meaningful as Liebman worked closely with Shelley Davis for years, including on bilingual training curricula for community health workers on issues of farmworker health like pesticides, clean water, lead, and asthma. Davis was an attorney and dedicated advocate for farmworkers, pushing to improve the health and well-being of agricultural workers. Liebman and Davis worked closely for over 15 years in advocating for an improved Worker Protection Standard to protect farmworkers from pesticides.  

“It’s hard for me to find the words to express what this means to me. Shelley Davis was a friend and mentor when I entered the field of migrant health 25 years ago. Her brilliance and unwavering commitment to farmworker justice continue to inspire me.” said Liebman. “Among the many things she taught me was the value of always getting input from workers and bringing them to every table where you sit. She showed me the importance of perseverance, tenacity, and never giving up as we fight the good fight.” 

The 24th Annual Legacy Awards were presented during a luncheon at Washington DC’s historic Eastern Market. Liebman was joined by several other farmworker champions receiving awards, including Senator Alex Padilla of California, who received a Lifetime Achievement Award. Television personality, restauranteur, and advocate, Ingrid Hoffmann, received the Dolores Huerta Award and AT&T was honored for their corporate responsibility. Maria Cardona, CNN commentator, emceed the awards in English and Spanish. The awards ceremony ended with a panel of farmworkers sharing their personal stories and ongoing needs to preserve their health. They talked about many challenges including the need for childcare, a pathway to citizenship, fair wages, and internet access. MCNers Esther Pizza and Mario Puerta joined Liebman to celebrate at the awards ceremony. Many friends of MCN and Liebman’s family were in attendance as well.