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Five on Friday: Climate, Masks, and Cholera

 Five on Friday: Climate, Masks, and Cholera

MCN’s staff and many of our board members are getting together in Austin this weekend for our Strategic Planning Meeting, but we can’t miss a week of Five on Friday! Check out our picks for this week here: 

bar dividerFor Pregnant People, Heat Waves Bring An Increased Risk of Preterm and Early Term Babies, Study Finds

Heat is a growing problem, but according to an article sent in by Claire, it represents a serious threat to pregnant people: For Pregnant People, Heat Waves Bring An Increased Risk of Preterm and Early Term Babies, Study Finds 

bar dividerExtreme Weather. A Lack of Lifesaving Vaccines. Africa’s Cholera Crisis is Worse Than Ever

Since 2021, multiple cholera outbreaks have spread in Africa as a result of extreme weather events, with Malawi and Zambia having their worst cholera outbreaks on record in this time according to an article sent in by Dr. Laz. Extreme Weather. A Lack of Lifesaving Vaccines. Africa’s Cholera Crisis is Worse Than Ever 

bar dividerBorder Shut Down Endangers the Health of Migrants: Migrant Clinicians Network Statement

Immigration policies at the US border at a bare minimum must respect basic human rights and ensure that further trauma and harm are not inflicted on those seeking asylum. This policy does not meet those minimums. Read more on Migrant Clinicians Network's statement on the new border policy. Border Shut Down Endangers the Health of Migrants: Migrant Clinicians Network Statement 

bar dividerUsing Less of the Colorado River Takes a Willing Farmer and $45 million in Federal Funds

Mónica shared a story from upstream on the Colorado River, where farmers are experimenting with lower water usage to help farm more sustainably: Using Less of the Colorado River Takes a Willing Farmer and $45 million in Federal Funds 

bar divider N95 Masks Nearly Perfect at Blocking COVID

Weekly Win: Amy gave us something to celebrate! N95 masks are incredibly effective! “The research shows that any mask is much better than no mask, and an N95 is significantly better than the other options.” N95 Masks Nearly Perfect at Blocking COVID

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Have a safe and healthy weekend!