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Five on Friday: Disaster Preparedness and Climate

 Five on Friday header image, a hillside covered in wildfire smoke.

Friday has arrived! This week’s edition of Five on Friday covers top-of-mind issues like the health impacts of disasters, wildfires, and heat on vulnerable groups. Give it a read before you head into the weekend.

bar dividerA home destroyed by a tropical storm, the headline reads, 'A Matter of Life and Death': How Disaster Response Endangers US Farmworkers

Claire shared this Grist article from last month that shines a light on how disasters do not impact community members equally. MCN’s disaster preparedness work centers this concern, with community mapping and mobilization to better understand and engage vulnerable members of the community. ‘A Matter of Life and Death’: How Disaster Response Endangers US Farmworkers

bar dividerThe Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) logo, the headline reads: 2024 National Health Center Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Needs Assessment

It’s Needs Assessment time! Theressa shared this announcement from HRSA: Health Center Staff: Tell us your training and professional development needs! Complete the 2024 National Health Center Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Needs Assessment by November 1, 2024, to give your input.

bar dividerA red sky, there is a traffic sign in the foreground that reads "Heat Wave Ahead", the headline: We Need to Change the Way We Think about Outdoor Temperatures

Amy says, “This op-ed offers good explanation of Wet Bulb Globe Temperature. WBGBT is something that we talk about a lot in our heat advocacy work.” From the Washington Post, so there is a paywall.  We Need to Change the Way We Think about Outdoor Temperatures

bar dividerA pregnant person, the headline reads: Pregnant People and Fetuses Not Being Protected from Wildfire Risks - Report

The Guardian covered a new journal article that explained that clinicians are too strapped for time to share education on wildfire risk. MCN’s efforts to train the entire clinical care team including CHWs on heat and wildfire smoke seek to address this gap. Pregnant People and Fetuses Not Being Protected from Wildfire Risks – Report

bar divider A table with scattered medical supplies, the headline reads: The Rapidly Evolving Field of Street Medicine

Weekly Win: Pam offered this KFF article highlighting how Medicaid is now covering mobile units serving people without homes, which improves health and reduces expensive trips to the emergency room. The piece highlights the work of Healthcare in Action in Southern California. The Rapidly Evolving Field of Street Medicine

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Have a safe and healthy weekend!