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Five on Friday: Workers' Memorial Day 2023


It's Workers’ Memorial Day, when we pay tribute to the workers who die on the job each year, and renew our dedication to making workplaces safer. AFL-CIO's new report found that 343 US workers die each day because of hazardous working conditions, from acute injuries and work-related chronic health conditions. And, as in previous years, Latinx worker job fatality is higher than the national average – 25% higher in this last year. Sixty-four percent of those Latinx workers who died were immigrants. No one should die because their work is unsafe. We must do better to ensure safer workplaces. Here is today's Five on Friday, with our first recommendation related to today's memorial. 

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Stats on worker injury

Amy stressed the importance of the AFL-CIO's new report, which they release each year on this day. Death on the Job: Toll of Neglect

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A child and a doctor

Kim shared a new report from the Migrant Policy Institute and American Academy of Pediatrics. A Path to Meeting the Medical and Mental Health Needs of Unaccompanied Children in US Communities

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The results of a urine test

Have you recently cared for a patient who works at a protein processing plant with a urinary tract infection? UTIs caused by drug-resistant E.Coli from meat are on the rise. While this article focuses on the consumer side, Amy wonders what it means for workers, and encourages us to consider the potential occupational origin of UTIs. Unraveling a Hidden Cause of UTIs — Plus How to Prevent Them

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Esther shared the surprising information that Amazon is now providing telehealth that can increase access to Paxlovid and other COVID treatment. “While this is not available in all 50 states or Puerto Rico, it may be a very useful, cheaper, and quicker option for many of us and our communities especially as we move beyond the public health emergency,” she noted. Amazon Clinic COVID-19 Treatment

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 A warning sign for wildfires

Weekly Win: Claire shared a Yes! magazine article on workers in Northern California transitioning from farmwork to fire prevention and land tending including prescribed burns. "They are not only restoring the land and mitigating future fire risk, they are also building the model for an immigrant- and Indigenous-worker-led climate resilience,” the article concludes. From Farmworkers to Land Healers

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Have a safe and healthy weekend!