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Five on Friday: Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Five on Friday: Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month


These are the last days of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. “Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. But only six of 10 adults aged 50 to 75 -- the recommended age range for routine screening -- were screened in 2015,” says a new WebMD article, which goes on to describe a new mail-in screening that appears to improve screening rates. How can at-home screenings be implemented for hard-to-reach populations, who may be moving shortly, or living in housing without mail service, or without a home? Access to care continues to be a major barrier for vulnerable populations like migrants, one that we are actively trying to reduce. For those on the move, Health Network can assure that screening results can be transferred to your patient’s next location. Be sure to inquire whether your patient is planning to move, and plan accordingly. On to Five on Friday: Here are some of the articles that MCN staff recommended this week. What do you recommend? Let us know on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.



1 hypertension care for migrant workers


Karen shared the news article, “Pilot Program Lowers Blood Pressure of Migrant Workers.”

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2 probe abuse claims at migrant shelter


Karen also shared one of many articles in recent weeks about alleged child abuse at immigrant facilities: “State Probe Abuse Claims at Child Migrant Shelter.”

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3 immigration system at breaking point


Alma in Massachusetts recommended the NPR piece, “Immigration System At The 'Breaking Point,' Homeland Security Official Warns.”


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4 first drug for postpartum depression


Amy also shared, “Migrant child died after release from detention, attorneys group alleges.”

Alma in Texas forwarded on the New York Times piece from last week, “FDA Approves First Drug for Postpartum Depression.”

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5 carbon footprint of conference


Claire shared this interesting read: “The Carbon Footprint of Conferences: Being the Change,” from Nonprofit Quarterly.


Have a safe and healthy weekend.


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