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Five on Friday: Killer Heat in the United States

Five on Friday: Killer Heat in the US


It’s Friday again! Before you head off into another summer weekend, read a few pieces that we’ve been sharing here at MCN. The fifth piece, our “weekly win” focuses on good news in our fight for health justice.



The Sage Journal logo


Alma sent around the research article, “Population Health: The Diabetes Educator’s Evolving Role.

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A panel from the diabetes resource showing produce selections


Candace shared Farmworker Justice’s new comic on diabetes, “Life of the Party: Making Healthy Choices With Diabetes,” available in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole. Just in time for summer barbecues!

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A hand planting a sprout in a field


Amy shared a Pacific Standard long-form article, “The Young Hands That Feed Us.


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The title page of the UCS publication


Amy also shared, “Migrant child died after release from detention, attorneys group alleges.”

Claire highlighted a new Union of Concerned Scientists report, “Killer Heat in the United States: Climate Choices and the Future of Dangerously Hot Days,” that notes how populations that encounter more vulnerabilities, like farmworkers, are hard hit by higher temperatures.

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A picture of the announcement of legislation to protect workers from heat illness


Weekly Win: Claire shared the Public Citizen press release celebrating the introduction of legislation that would direct the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to establish a federal heat standard. Laz, MCN’s Chief Medical Officer, is quoted!


Have a safe and healthy weekend.


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