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Profile picture for user Joshi Covarrubias



Health Network Associate

Migrant Clinicians Network

Joshi Marth Covarrubias is a dedicated advocate for the Latinx community. Covarrubias moved from Santa Rita in Jalisco, Mexico, to Grand Rapids, Michigan, alongside his mother and younger sibling during childhood. Since then, he has been deeply involved in various forms of advocacy within his community. Bilingual in English and Spanish, he has worked closely with local Spanish-speaking community, assisting individuals with accessing health services and issues of legal status, which fueled his interest in working for MCN. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan, becoming the first in his family to attend and graduate from college.

Currently working as a Health Network Associate specializing in prenatal care, Covarrubias helps pregnant patients navigate the complex health care system, especially challenging for pregnant migrants seeking enrollment in health centers. He provides bilingual and culturally contextual case management to patients at varying stages of pregnancy, from their first trimester through the postpartum stage, across the country. These patients experience their own unique challenges and rely on experienced case managers like Covarrubias. 

Recently, Covarrubias has relocated to Texas with the goal of attending Texas State University. In his free time, he enjoys playing soccer, boxing, and creating art in his free time.