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The Witness to Witness Program
The Witness to Witness program (W2W) helps the helpers so they can sustain their vital work.

We invite you to support W2W’s fundraising campaign, "Words Matter: The Impact of Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric and Policies on Clinicians and Patients," running before and after this election season.  Our campaign is timely; immigrant communities are facing unprecedented challenges.

Our July goal is to raise $12,000 to create essential resources to educate clinicians about the negative health impacts of anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies, equip them with the tools to mitigate these harms and share ways to advocate effectively for their patients.

This month’s Witness to Witness’ blog discusses these impacts on clinicians and communities. By equipping clinicians with the necessary resources, we aim to provide vital support where it is needed most. Help us spread the word about our campaign on social media by using the following hashtags:  #WordsMatter #WitnessToWitness #WeServeImmigrants. Together, we can make a meaningful difference.

You can learn more about our programs at Our programming includes: interactive online seminars, facilitated peer support groups, learning collaboratives, podcasts, many forms of written materials and consultations to healthcare organizations. This comment is typical:

“Each session brought me hope and clarity,
so serving the community felt more attainable”.

Help us help the helpers keep on keepin’ on!


Make a single contribution by credit card or PayPal below.

Format: 9.99


If you prefer to send a check, please mail it to: 

Migrant Clinicians Network 
PO Box 164285 
Austin, TX 78716  

Migrant Clinicians Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial donation.

*New donors will receive periodic updates and information by email from MCN.