Intimate partner violence (IPV) occurs in all segments of our society, but vulnerable populations like migrant women may encounter additional disparities and barriers to care that make intervention and treatment of IPV more complex. Language barriers, economic hardship, and isolation from their communities, support networks, and cultures of origin make it increasingly difficult to come forward and report IPV. Those affected often suffer in silence for fear of losing their jobs or enduring legal ramifications like being reported to immigration by a citizen partner. In addition, immigrant and migrant women can have less access to social and medical services increasing their negative health outcomes. Health centers can make significant strides in reducing IPV in the community through culturally sensitive tactics both in the exam room and in the community.
In these two sessions, Migrant Clinicians Network provides specific and effective action items to better serve women who have experienced IPV in the exam room, and to make our communities safer by engaging men in the community.
Primary prevention of intimate physical and sexual violence is defined as preventing violence before it occurs. In this session, we will discuss strategies to engage in primary prevention among immigrant and migrant men. Research and programmatic experience conducted by MCN over the last two decades has shown the need to provide men with the skills and the lexicon/language to address stress, fear, and anger effectively in order for them to employ primary prevention strategies. Faculty will provide an understanding of the processes and outcomes, and enhancing sustainability for programs that focus on the prevention of intimate partner violence in immigrant and refugee communities. The discussion will also include information about videos and other materials for use in multiple settings that can be employed to engage men in conversation about primary prevention.
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