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Webinar: Cultural Proficiency in the Context of Migration Health

Webinar: Cultural Proficiency in the Context of Migration Health


DATE RECORDED: March 13, 2013
PRESENTED BY: Jennie McLaurin, MD, MPH, Specialist in Child and Migrant Health, Migrant Clinicians Network

View the recorded webinar

Participant Evaluation

Presentation Slides (PDF)


There are millions of workers who live on the move. They do the jobs that most will not.  They go where the work is—fields, factories, construction sites— and take enormous risks in order to survive in the hope of a better life.  At the same time, there is a group of clinicians who are committed to serving these workers and their families.
“We depend on misfortune to build up our force of migratory workers and when the supply is low because there is not enough misfortune at home, we rely on misfortune abroad to replenish the supply,”  President Harry S. Truman, 1951.
Truman's observations are as true today as in 1951. Migrant laborers continue to function at the bottom rung of the American economic. They are often newly-arrived immigrants with few connections, or individuals with limited opportunities or skills, relying on farm and other manual labor for survival. 
This session will provide an overview of the key issues at the intersection of migration, poverty and health.
After taking this webinar participants will be able to:

The need for cultural proficiency pertains to both individual clinicians and staff as well as to the health care organization as a whole. Cultural proficiency in practice requires that one be a continual learner. Cultural humility and a desire to better understand your patients are essential. Models for improvement suggest that we often make the greatest progress by taking a series of small steps and pausing frequently to assess if that step is a step in the right direction. In this module participants learn the impact of cultural proficiency on health care quality, how to recognize personal and organizational biases, and how to improve care delivery to those from migrant and immigrant settings.

SPONSORED BY: Migrant Clinicians Network


  1. Define culture and cultural proficiency.
  2. Identify biases in health care delivery based on cultural factors.
  3. Hypothesize how individual biases affect interpersonal interactions.
  4. Identify strategies for identifying and improving cultural issues in health care to migrants and immigrants.


Dr. Jennie McLaurin, MD, MPH

Dr. McLaurin, Specialist in Child and Migrant Health at Migrant Clinicians Network, has thirty years of experience in working with migrant farmworker populations, starting as an outreach worker in 1982. She is a pediatrician with a degree in maternal and child health, and has worked at the local, state, and national level on developing programs, policies, and publications for migration health, cultural proficiency, child health, and bioethics. Her past experience includes work as an outreach worker, clinician, medical director, faculty member and consultant. She has assisted MCN with a Centers for Disease Control sponsored initiative to improve immunization coverage to migrant families, served as a faculty member for the HRSA Health Disparity Collaboratives, and lectured widely on a number of clinical topics. She provides graduate education in the fields of bioethics and migration health to a number of university programs.

Jillian Hopewell, MPA, MA, Director of Education and Professional Development
(p) 530.345.4806 (e)