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Recommended immunization schedule for persons aged 0-18 years and the catch-up immunization schedule for 2007 includes HPV and Rotavirus vaccines.
Answers to frequently asked questions about the diseases caused by human papillomavirus infections. Also present information about the recently licenced human papillomavirus(HPV) vaccines.

To help raise awareness of influenza vaccination recommendations and the importance of continuing vaccination efforts throughout November and beyond, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Influenza Vaccine Summit, partners and stakeholders will be announcing a National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW) from Monday, November 27th through Sunday, December 3rd, 2006.


Merck & Co., Inc. announced the launch of a national print, television and online advertising campaign for the world's first cervical cancer vaccine, GARDASIL® [Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (Types 6, 11, 16, 18) Recombinant Vaccine]. Adding to Merck's ongoing cervical cancer and HPV education efforts, the new campaign, called One Less, encourages females who are eligible for the vaccine to begin their vaccination series and to also continue to see their doctor for regular healthcare and screening.

Important new document from the CDC, plus links to two good references, one for treatment of Hepatitis B and one for Hepatitis C. 1. CDC ISSUES ACIP'S RECOMMENDATIONS ON ELIMINATION OF HEPATITIS B VIRUS INFECTION IN U.S. ADULTS. 2. Management of Hepatitis C: 2002 National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference Statement. The NIH consensus statement is a good reference for HCV treatment specifics. 3. A Physician's Guide to Chronic Hepatitis B Treatment from the Asian Liver Center at Stanford University. 4. Archives for HepTalk Listserv 2006

Answers to frequently asked questions about the diseases caused by tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis infections. The sheet also present information about the recently licensed tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap)vaccines.
A algunos padres les preocupa que el timerosal, un conservante que contienemercurio y se encuentra en la vacuna contra la gripe, provoque autismo. Sin embargo, durante los útimos años, una serie de estudios biolígicos y epidemiolígicoshan demostrado que esta preocupación no tiene fundamento. A continuación sepresenta un resumen de la evidencia que demuestra que, aunque algunas cosas sí causan autismo, el mercurio de las vacunas no es una de ellas.

Studies indicate that migrant and seasonal farmworkers often use herbal, home, or folk remedies instead of or simultaneously with conventional medical treatment. It is important to know when an herbal remedy should be discontinued, as well as those that need not be. Health care providers can gain substantial rapport with their patients by being open to the use of herbal remedies when appropriate. This resource is now over 20 years old, but much of the information is still relevant to current practice.

En Febrero de 2006, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) recomendaron una nueva vacuna para proteger a los lactantes contra el rotavirus. El rotavirus provoca fiebre alta, vómitos y diarrea persistentesennios pequeños, normalmente durante el invierno en los Estados Unidos.
This searchable database includes an online librarian, foundation finder, and foundation profiles.

The Initiative's objective is to coordinate and optimize the availability of health resources for Mexican immigrants and their families through bilateral training, research, and health promotion activities.