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A broken system leaves immigrant workers invisible -- and in danger. High Country News, 8/2009

The Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) Clinicians’ Network and Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) serve as National Partners to the HRSA Health Disparities Collaboratives. One of the critical roles for both organizations is helping health centers identify their migrant and homeless patients. Both organizations share a commitment to the principal that mobility should not be a barrier for health care access or continuity of care. What follows is a set of succinct and helpful suggestions for how to better identify homeless and migrant patients in your practice.

To establish a policy regarding new employee training to satisfy **** Department of Health Ambulatory Care Regulations and University Policy and Procedures....

Welcome to Immu-News, the Immunization Initiatives listserv, a monthly resource for the community of participants in this project. For now, this is post-only listserv (in other words, you will get only one e-mail per month in your mailbox, instead of floods of daily discussions) but we hope to evolve into a more interactive form, something that will truly be of service to you as each of you searches for ways to improve your ability to record and access immunization data, to increase immunizations provided to your clients, and thus to improve the health of your community.

Our topic for this month is introduced by Dr. Jennie McLaurin, MCN’s Migrant Health Specialist and the Project Director for the Immunization Initiative. We include examples and a source for patient-held immunization records, and two articles on the topic. Please feel free to send responses, comments, thoughts, and ideas to the listserv administrator at If you send comments, we will follow up with your responses and ideas in the next listserv.

Immu-News is also pleased to feature Grounded in Practice, highlights from the real world clinics participating in Immunization Initiatives. We begin with San Benito Health Foundation in Hollister, CA. We invite you to send suggestions, stories, examples of things that have worked to improve immunization practices in your clinic. Send your ideas to


Our June topic is IIS or Immunzaion Registries. Between August and October of 2008, immunization initiative staff at MCN conducted structured interviews with all State Immunization Coordinators or their designated contact persons in an effort to identify state programs that address the immunization needs. In response to the question “does your state have an electronic immunization registry?” we found that 42 states have registries, six states are in the process of implementing them, and two states do not have registries. Out of 42 states with registries, 37 are in both public and private settings and 31 are “birth to death” registries, including both children and adults. To view report, go to:

We offer three articles that discuss the progress of using immunization registries to improve recording and access of immunization data. Click on the links below to access the full articles.


HHS Deputy Secretary Bill Corr today announced the release of $13.4 million for loan repayments to nurses who agree to practice in facilities with critical shortages and for schools of nursing to provide loans to students who will become nurse faculty. The funds were made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), signed Feb. 17, 2009, by President Obama.

“The need for more nurses is great. Over the next decade, nurse retirements and an aging U.S. population, among other factors, will create the need for hundreds of thousands of new nurses,” Deputy Secretary Corr said. “The awards from these two HRSA programs will help us meet projected demand for their services.”

Our May topic is “What Do Migrants from Mexico, Central and South America Think About Immunization?” MCN has conducted several focus groups in recent years on this topic, and we share with you, in two papers, what we learned in these focus groups.


In July of 2005, MCN conducted a focus group with migrant women in a new receiving community on the Eastern Shore of Maryland to help understand their experiences regarding immunization.

The focus group was held at the one of the participant’s home, an established immigrant household. The town house apartment located in a growing immigrant neighborhood offered a comfortable, safe and trusting environment for the group’s participants.

The following report summarizes research conducted by the Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) in the summer of 2008. The report is an effort to identify state programs that address the immunization needs of adults and migrant and seasonal farmworkers across the country.


This site holds many medical Spanish material, including a comprehensive medical Spanish dictionary, complete with audio.

California Department of Public Health offers numerous bilingual educational materials regarding childhood lead poisoning prevention.

Spanish brochure to help workers prevent taking lead into their homes from the CA Dept. Public Health, Occupational Health Branch - The Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.


The Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (OLPPP) is a program in the California Department of Public Health that helps employers, workers, and others prevent lead poisoning in workers.