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Five on Friday | May 12, 2017

MCN Five on Friday


Another very full week here at Migrant Clinicians Network! Here are some updates from the world of public health and health justice that we thought you’d enjoy, chosen by MCN staff members


  1. Del, Director of International Projects, Research, and Development, forwarded the WHO Director-General report which details recent progress in the fight against TB: “Ten years in public health 2007-2017.”

  2. Del also shared this “drop of good news” -- the Mexican government has given the Ohtli recognition award to the National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association. See pictures from the awards ceremony here.

  3. The good news kept coming -- Claire, Writer & Editor, shared this NPR piece called “Fresh Food By Prescription: This Health Care Firm Is Trimming Costs — And Waistlines.”

  4. Theressa, Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator, forwarded on the video and accompanying article that proclaims “This Could Be The Worst Tick Season In Years. Here’s What You Need To Know,” which talks not just about Lyme but also about Powassan virus. “It sounds kind of nerdy, but stick your pants into your socks,” the expert recommends.

  5. Candace, Specialist in Clinical Systems and Women’s Health, celebrated MCN’s mention in a recent Hesperian newsletter, which also announced that all of their Spanish titles are 60 percent off when you use coupon code SALUD until May 31st, including their popular titles, Donde no hay doctor or Guía comunitaria para la salud ambiental.


Have a safe and healthy weekend.