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Five on Friday | July 7, 2017: Afraid immigrants forgo healthcare and health centers key to violence prevention

MCN Five on Friday


Whew, it’s hot out there. Time to head to the lake or the pool or the beach… Wherever you take refuge from the heat, be sure to bring along some good reading about health justice. Here are a few suggestions from MCN staff:


  1. Karen, CEO, sent last week’s New York Times article that features MCN. How could we forget to include it in last week’s Five on Friday?  Well, here it is, a week late.

  2. Candace, Specialist in Clinical Systems and Women’s Health, shared a virtual toolkit on integrating IPV education into health centers.

  3. Candace also shared the Lancet’s recent op-ed asking clinicians to consider “Reframing non-communicable diseases as socially transmitted conditions.”

  4. Amy Director of Environmental and Occupational Health, shared the Hamilton Mix-Tape video, “Immigrants (We Get The Job Done).”

  5. Claire, Writer & Editor, emailed this “great investigative piece, in the USA Today” about truckers in the Los Angeles area. It’s entitled, “Rigged: Forced into debt. Worked past exhaustion. Left with nothing.” 


Be safe this weekend!