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Five on Friday | April 1, 2016

MCNHappy Friday! We hope your springtime days are warm and healthy and not too allergy-ridden. Before we go sneezing into the weekend, here are a few news stories that MCN staff members thought are too good to be missed. Hope you enjoy them, too.

1. Amy, Director of Environmental and Occupational Health: “OSHA's new silica rule is a BIG deal!”  OSHA announced an important new rule protecting workers from silica dust. Our very own Rosie Sokas [MCN Board Chair] is quoted in APHA’s statement on the rule.

2. Candace, Specialist in Clinical Systems & Women’s Health, sent us this document developed by FACHC that discusses implementation of the HRSA sliding fee requirements for special populations.

3. Ed, Chief Medical Officer, recommends this good news article from AAFP: “Community Health Centers Play Major Role in Protecting Safety Net.”

4. In Texas? Theressa, Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator, recommends the Asbestos Workers Photo Exhibit by MCN’s dear friend Earl Dotter, at the Emerging Issues in Occupational and Environmental Health Conference in Tyler, Texas, on June 17th. 

5. Jillian, Director of Professional Development and Education, forwarded on Farmworker Justice’s announcement that it is seeking a Fellow to support our work related to farmworker health, labor rights, and immigration policy. The Fellow is a one-year paid, full-time position, and applications are accepted through today, April 1st.

Have a healthy and safe weekend.