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Archived Webinars, Older

November 19, 2020

Panel de discusión: Información errónea en salud y medios de comunicación social: una combinación poderosa

Andrea recibió un audio WhatsApp de su amiga.  El mensaje hablaba sobre el nuevo virus mortal…
November 12, 2020

Health Misinformation and Social Media: A Potent Combination

Andrea received a WhatsApp audio message from her friend. It talked about a new, deadly virus with…
October 7, 2020

Diabetes Continuous Quality Improvement For Health Centers | October 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has created new barriers to the provision of chronic illness care for health…
October 1, 2020

Testing Agricultural Workers For COVID-19: A Learning Session with Frontline Clinicians

In the absence of a national, evidenced-based testing strategy, decisions regarding the provision…
September 17, 2020

Riesgos, derechos, y responsabilidades de trabajadores

Cada día trabajadores de cualquier ocupación enfrentan riesgos de enfermedades, lesiones y muerte…
September 15, 2020

Worker Risks, Rights and Responsibilities

Each day, workers in all kinds of jobs risk injury and even death. From acute injuries that happen…
September 8, 2020

Health Network: A Care Coordination Program for Mobile Patients - National Webinar

Health Network assures continuity of care and treatment completion by providing comprehensive case…
July 2, 2020

Actualización. Trabajando en los tiempos de COVID19: Protegiendo a los trabajadores vulnerables y sus familias

¿Cómo cuidar y cómo proteger la vida de los trabajadores más vulnerables en estos tiempos del COVID…
June 25, 2020

¡Es su derecho a saber! Ayudando a los promotores de salud a promover la seguridad química en el trabajo

Arturo estaba limpiando el piso de la cocina del restaurante donde trabajaba después de terminar su…
June 23, 2020

It's Your Right to Know! Helping Community Health Workers Promote Chemical Safety at Work (June 23, 2020)

Arturo was cleaning the kitchen floor of a restaurant after his work shift one day and combined two…
June 11, 2020

How to Support a Friend, Family Member or Colleague Who is Suffering in the Context of the Pandemic

During this pandemic we are all going to know people who are in serious trouble and need help. Many…
June 10, 2020

COVID-19 and the Realities for Farmworkers and the Clinicians Who Care for Them: A Learning Session

What is being learned about COVID-19 changes daily. Yet clinicians are on the front lines caring…
May 20, 2020

Grief in the Time of COVID-19: Loss, Connection and Hope

As the losses mount with the ongoing assaults of the Covid19 pandemic, people are feeling a range…
May 6, 2020

El Duelo/Perdida: entendiendo, manejando y preparándonos para ello

A medida que las personas, familias, grupos de trabajo y comunidades comienzan a experimentar la…