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Archived Webinars, Older

July 19, 2022

Health Equity: What COVID-19 can teach us about creating and sustaining partnerships between refugee, immigrant and migrant communities

Since the start of the pandemic, partnerships between health departments and communities have been…
July 14, 2022

¡Hace mucho calor y es peligroso! Como reconocer los signos y síntomas relacionados con las enfermedades causadas por calor

En los últimos años hemos observado el aumento en frecuencia e intensidad de eventos relacionados…
July 14, 2022

It's very hot and it's dangerous! How to recognize signs and symptoms of heat related illness

* Presented in Spanish with simultaneous interpretation to English * In recent years we have…
July 13, 2022

Cuidando pacientes con COVID prolongado

El COVID prolongado está afectando a millones de personas en los Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo…
July 13, 2022

Caring for the Long COVID Patient

Long COVID is impacting millions of people in the U.S. and worldwide, and information and data…
July 7, 2022

Ayudar a los niños a sobrellevar tiempos de incertidumbre

A la mayoría de las personas no les gusta la incertidumbre y tampoco a los niños y adolescentes. La…
July 7, 2022

Helping Children Cope During Times of Uncertainty

Most people don't like uncertainty and neither do children and adolescents.  Uncertainty, worry and…
June 30, 2022

Data, Social Determinants of Health, and Migration

Health Centers collect essential data elements necessary to determine social determinants of health…
June 29, 2022

Using the Project ECHO Model to Effectively Provide Diabetes Education and Relevant Resources to CHWs Serving the Underserved Agricultural Worker Population

​Type 2 diabetes (DM) accounts for close to 30 million cases in the United States  (Centers for…
June 28, 2022

El manejo del estrés y la esperanza razonable para los trabajadores de salud

  Durante la pandemia del COVID-19, trabajadores de salud han sido afectado por estrés, lesiones…
June 14, 2022

Health Network : A Care Coordination Program for Mobile Patients (6-14-22)

To assure care coordination for mobile patients, MCNs Health Network offers continuity of care and…
June 9, 2022

Es su derecho a saber: Ayudando a los trabajadores de salud comunitaria a promover la seguridad química en el trabajo

Los trabajadores usan decenas de miles de productos químicos todos los días. Si bien se sospecha…
June 8, 2022

It's Your Right to Know: Helping Community Health Workers Promote Chemical Safety at Work

Workers use tens of thousands of chemicals every day. While many of these chemicals are suspected…
June 2, 2022

AgWorker Health 102: Supporting Agricultural Worker Health

  Health Centers serving the agricultural worker community are adept at addressing the unique…
April 7, 2022

Witnessing: Understanding the Effects of Overexposure to Stories of Hardship and Trauma and What to Do About It

In this 90-minute webinar, Dr. Weingarten will discuss how clinicians are overexposed to hardship…
March 9, 2022

COVID-19 y las vacunas: Lo que los promotores de salud comunitarios deben saber - Sesión 2

Este seminario virtual en dos sesiones ofrecerá una introducción a COVID-19 para apoyar a los…
March 2, 2022

COVID-19 y las vacunas: Lo que los promotores de salud comunitarios deben saber - Sesión 1

Este seminario virtual en dos sesiones ofrecerá una introducción a COVID-19 para apoyar a los…
February 8, 2022

Health Network : A Care Coordination Program for Mobile Patients

To assure care coordination for mobile patients, MCNs Health Network offers continuity of care and…