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Archived Webinars, Older

November 7, 2023

Addressing COVID-19 in Special Populations with Underlying Co-Morbidities

The influence of comorbidities on COVID-19 outcomes has been recognized since the earliest days of…
November 7, 2023

Hablemos sobre COVID-19 en poblaciones especiales con comorbilidades subyacentes

La influencia de las comorbilidades en los indicadores de salud de un paciente con COVID-19 ha sido…
September 20, 2023

Understanding COVID-19 Impacts and Promoting Well-being of Community Outreach Workers in Underserved Communities

The "Understanding COVID-19 Impacts and Promoting Well-being of Community Outreach Workers in…
September 7, 2023

Health Network: A Care Coordination Program for Patients Who Move

*This webinar will be presented in English with simultaneous interpretation to Spanish* To assure…
September 7, 2023

Health Network - Red de salud: Un programa de coordinación de atención médica para pacientes que se mudan durante el tratamiento

Este seminario virtual contará con interpretación simultánea en español Para asegurar la…
August 29, 2023

Using Industrial Hygiene Practices to Prevent and Control COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases

This webinar will provide simultaneous interpretation in Spanish The COVID-19 pandemic and other…
August 29, 2023

Uso de prácticas de higiene industrial para prevenir y controlar el COVID-19 y otras enfermedades infecciosas

Este seminario virtual contará con interpretación simultánea en español La pandemia de COVID-19 y…
July 6, 2023

El cambio climático, el manejo de desastres a través de la movilización comunitaria, y la atención de salud en las escuelas de Puerto Rico

El cambio climático y los desastres naturales relacionados afectan la salud física y el bienestar…
June 22, 2023

Providing Community Education Around Nutrition and Diabetes by Incorporating MCN’s Diabetes Comic Book

A healthy diet is essential to living well with diabetes. For migrant, immigrant, and farmworker…
June 22, 2023

Capacitando a la comunidad sobre nutrición y diabetes utilizando el cómic Mi salud es mi tesoro de MCN

Una dieta saludable es esencial para vivir bien con diabetes. Para las poblaciones de migrantes,…
June 15, 2023

The Venezuelan Exodus for Healthcare Providers - Session 3: A Venezuelan Migrant's Journey to the North

Since 2015, an estimated 5.3 million Venezuelans have migrated to Latin American and Caribbean…
June 15, 2023

El éxodo venezolano para proveedores de servicios de salud - Sesión 3: Periplo del migrante venezolano en su ruta hacia el norte

Según el Informe Semestral de Tendencias 2022 de ACNUR, “más de 2 de cada 5 nuevas solicitudes de…
June 8, 2023

The Venezuelan Exodus for Health Care Providers - Session 2: There and Back: From the perspective of the country of origin, a look at Venezuelan migration

The massive flow of Venezuelan migrants to different countries in South America and recently, to…
May 31, 2023

COVID Care After the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Ends: Vaccines, Testing, and Treatment

The COVID-19 public health emergency declarations are over – but COVID is not, with over 150 people…