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To ensure all data is maintained and properly backed up to maximize recovery in the event of disaster and to make the file accessible to other staff.

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To implement a plan in case of any accidents or emergencies involving staff involved in official activities.

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To differentiate between different classifications of employees for purposes of determining benefits, eligibility for overtime pay, and other issues.

This resource provides a straightforward tool to use to develop effective hepatitis risk assessment with adult clients through your clinic charting system.

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This is a one page tool used by community health workers to evaluate individuals for family violence. The tool is designed for use with low literacy populations and uses pictures instead of words to communicate.

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One page tool to use in evaluating the possibility of physical abuse.

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A 2-page sample prenatal health history form.
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The "Keep It With You" (KIWY) Personal Medical Information Form is intended to be a voluntary and temporary record that lists medical care and other health information for people who need care during disasters and similar situations.

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Two-page form specific to an individual coming into the clinic for an initial hypertension visit.
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Two-page form specific to an individual coming into the clinic for an initial asthma visit.
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One-page adult/adolescent general assessment form.
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Form to collect insurance information from new patients.
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A sample medication record for the medical chart.
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These policies were developed by OneWorld Health Center to govern their promotora program. Included in this document are policies regarding: Procedures, Follow-up Calls, Forms, Job Descriptions, Competencies and Attributes.
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These policies were developed by OneWorld Health Center to govern their promotora program. Included in this document are policies regarding: Procedures, Follow-up Calls, Forms, Job Descriptions, Competencies and Attributes.

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Sample policy on employee immunization records.
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Seven page document that provides a sample/template emergency preparedness plan.

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Two documents that can be used as a template guide for creating a pandemic flu policy.

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Chief Medical Officer job description. Includes topics: Major function and Essential functions list.

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Any patient presenting or calling with any of the following conditions will receive immediate attention. If present in the clinic, the patient will be taken to an exam room immediately and the RN, PA , or physician will be called to make further evaluation. If the patient calls, the urgent call message will be taken director to the provider and in their absence, to the clinical coordinator or available RN for a plan of care.
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The Workbook provides a process that can support state, local,and tribal planners as they advance in their efforts to reach all populations—and specifically, special populations—in day-today communication and during crisis or emergency situations.

The Workbook is divided into three primary sections, each representing a major stage in the process of communicating with special populations,and provides a baseline of research plus selected resources that should substantially reduce the work required of health departments to begin this process.

Sample clinic policy for scenarios that constitute emergencies requiring immediate attention by an auxiliary medical personnel or physician.

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Sample year-long calendar outlining emergency preparedness activities.
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The goal of this Emergency Management plan is to describe the organization�s approach to responding to emergencies within the organization or in its community that would suddenly and significantly affect the need for the organization�s services, or its ability to provide those services, and to protect staff, patients, and visitors from harm and to ensure an effective response to disasters or emergencies affecting the environment of care.
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Sample policy stating the procedure for a medical emergency.
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