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El mundo continúa lidiando con COVID-19 y no se alcanza la inmunidad colectiva y el escepticismo, resistencia y vacilaciones sobre las vacunas continúa representando un gran obstáculo. Durante los primeros meses del esfuerzo de vacunación, el cineasta Chris Newberry y su equipo siguieron a un conjunto diverso de profesionales de la salud mientras ganaban la confianza de las comunidades en riesgo en todo Minnesota. El documental resultante es un tributo a los médicos, enfermeras, organizadores y personas influyentes que están adoptando los esfuerzos liderados por la comunidad para superar las dudas sobre las vacunas.

Las guías de discusión para el documental se pueden encontrar aquí: Ingles / Español


Conversación con los creadores de la película y un panel de expertos:

Quien desee ponerse en contacto con los productores con preguntas o ayuda en la organización de su propio evento VOCES DE CONFIANZA, puede contactarnos aquí:

These image-centric and engaging resources can help clinicians reach refugee, immigrant, and migrant communities with important information regarding getting vaccinated. The flyers are available in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole, and both pre-made and editable versions are available. Users can insert their organization logo as well as state-specific information such as their state vaccine sign-up website and vaccine customer service phone number. Along with these fliers, MCN has created a simple ‘how-to’ video (see above) for editing the fliers.

The original designs for this resource were created by a staff member of East Coast Migrant Head Start Project who is the daughter of a farmworker, and who had once gone to East Coast Migrant Head Start Project centers herself. The flyers were adapted by MCN. 

Show your support of the vaccine in your community! MCN’s #YoMeLaPuse campaign offers five beautifully designed posters showing people of various ages after their vaccination that are available for download and printing. A sixth poster is customizable, allowing communities to paste in a photo of a local religious leader, or community health care providers, or other community leader who is proud to have gotten the vaccine. The posters are accompanied by a short video in Spanish, which can be played at community events and in waiting rooms.

Yo me la puse poster examples

Templates for creating your own posters are available below.

This colorful vaccine calendar comic gives low-literacy information on vaccines and some information on why adults need immunizations, too. Available in high resolution to download and print into poster size.

The New England Journal of Medicine has an article analyzing early cases in China which gives some clarity around how the virus works: “Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China".

The CDC’s archived webinar from last week provides a useful overview for clinicians: “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Update—What Clinicians Need to Know to Prepare for COVID-19 in the United States.”

This almost real-time map shows where COVID-19 cases have been reported, all over the world, which provides some perspective and allows for a visual understanding of the spread as it progresses. 

NACHC’s new FAQ runs down a number of additional resources not covered here, specifically tailored for health centers. 

HRSA’s new COVID-19 FAQs give some overview on the health center requirements around emergency preparedness as well as recommendations for communications from health centers.

This list of resources compiled by the federal government of Mexico were chosen because the Mexican government is doing a commendable job alerting their health workers to new essential information and providing easy to understand resources. With a limited number of Spanish language resources available in the US, this list fills important gaps. 

These infographics and social media cards are simple and bright. The order in which the recommendations are presented is great. 

This list of resources was selected because of the breadth of languages and the simplicity of the infographics.