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Cover page of Cuidate comic

!Cuídate! es un recurso educativo sobre la prevención de lesiones musculoesqueléticas en el trabajo. Este libro cómic está disponible en español, inglés y criollo haitiano.

Lo Que Bien Empieza

Este libro cómico de MCN tiene por objeto reducir el riesgo de exposición a pesticidas de las mujeres que están en edad reproductiva. LO QUE BIEN EMPIEZA...BIEN ACABA: Consejos para las mujeres para prevenir daños a la salud y a sus bebés causados por pesticidas.

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One-page patient education on Pap Tests in English and Spanish from the American Cancer Society.

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Three printable brochures on Asthma, Lead and Pesticides produced by Farmworker Justice. 

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Use the link below to access MCN's Rapid Assessment Tool to help adolescent farmworkers identify agricultural tasks they perform in agriculture and facilitate clinician understanding about the health risks associated with it.  Youth worker images are adapted and reproduced with permission from the National Children Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety. Images copyrighted through Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin.

If computers and internet access are unavailable where patient care is provided, the worker assessment sheet and clinician information grid are available in PDF.

HEAT ILLNESS CAN BE DEADLY. Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some even die. These illnesses and deaths are preventable.

OSHA has now posted a new Heat Illness Web Page that includes educational materials in English and Spanish, including low-literacy fact sheets for workers, worksite and community posters, and a public service announcement from Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis.  The Web page also includes a video from Assistant Secretary Dr. David Michaels (in English with a Spanish transcript).  OSHA will be posting additional materials on the Heat Illness Web page, including a lesson plan that employers can use to train their workers to stay safe in the heat and a heat index Smartphone app. 

Seven guidelines in English and Spanish. Colorful, illustrated poster address supervisor responsibilities for ensuring work conditions are appropriate and adequate . Training and supervision tips, specific to teens and to each job, are provided. Developed by National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety.

Guidelines for parents to match child's growth and development with the requirements of different farm chores in order to lessen the risk of farm related disease or injury in children and teenagers. North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks was developed by the National Children's Center for Rural Agricultural Health and Safety.

Program information for counties of Wicomico, Somerset, or Worcester residents. Supported by a Grant from the Maryland Affiliate of Susan G. Koman for the Cure this presentation outlines eligibility for the Koman Program, what the Koman Program provides, documentation, and who to refer clients to.

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OSHA facts sheet and guidance for commercial swine farmers and pork producers.  Bilingual "quick card" to assist with worker protection. 





California Department of Public Health, Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control has identified several cases of mercury toxicity linked to the use of adulterated, unlabelled face creams in the Latino community.  

A bilingual training kit for community health workers to educate families about in home pesticide safety.  Includes a step-by-step facilitator guide with handouts and a power point slide slow.  Developed by the Center for Environmental Resource Management at UTEP for US-Mexico border residents.


Un paquete bilingue para ayudar a trabajadores comunitarios de la salud a educar familias sobre la forma segura de usar pesticidas en el hogar.  Hay instrucciones paso a paso, los materiales para distribuir y la presentación para mostrarse estan disponibles en Español. Estas pláticas se enfocan a los residentes de la frontera EU-México y fue realizado por el Centro para la Administración de Recursos Ambientales de la Universidad de Texas en El Paso.

Photonovelas in English and Spanish. Produced by the North Carolina Farmworker Project.

The CA Department of Pesticide Regulation provides videos in Mixteco about pesticide safety. Contact Charlene Martens to get copies or more information: (916) 445-4261

There is convincing evidence that breastfeeding provides substantial health benefits for children and adequate evidence that breastfeeding provides moderate health benefits for women. This link provides a summary of the 2008 recommendation of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) on counseling to promote breastfeeding.

For the first time, all Office on Women’s Health (OWH) consumer fact sheets are available in Spanish. OWH recently released 42 new Spanish-language publications on a range of topics including depression, generic drugs, heart disease, cosmetics, arthritis, mammography, HIV, and food safety. These easy-to-read fact sheets complement OWH's other Spanish language materials on diabetes, menopause, and safe medication use. OWH invites organizations and consumers to distribute these free publications to women and their families.

To order in bulk, visit:

To help ease the burden of displacement in the face of disaster/emergency, new information for pregnant women and mothers of young children has been uploaded to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) web site. Because you are recognized as an important champion in the community and can provide a channel for vital emergency information.

Educational comic book about the sources of indoor pollution and ways to minimize exposure. Offers safe alternatives to clean homes. English and Spanish.

One page handout (English and Spanish) to inform pregnant women about lead.

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A visual guide for preparing a well-balanced plate. Available in Spanish and English.

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Between Women: provides support services, promote awareness and advocates throughout the community. This organization is the only one in California's Imperial Valley devoted exclusively to breast health.

Not having health insurance - or being "underinsured" and not having enough health insurance - can be a frightening and worrisome experience. But there are many options you can explore to get the coverage and care you need, including free- and low-cost prescription drug assistance as well as free- and low-cost health checkups and screening programs.

The RWHP, founded in 1992, develops community-based educational materials. independently as well as in collaboration with other grass-roots organizations. Their projects focus on the health issues of rural women and their families, with a special emphasis on the challenges faced by Spanish-speaking farmworking families.

Free video called “Lo Mejor Para Su Bebe”, which covers infant care and breastfeeding.

A wide array of materials at various literacy levels and almost everything in Spanish. Pamphlets, videos, "Comenzando Bien" curriculum.

The CDC's Spanish website for women's health. Includes handouts in Spanish that can be printed from the web.