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This is the first of several resources MCN is developing to aid health centers in addressing the unique healthcare needs of migrant patients within the Patient Centered Medical Home. In addition, MCN is developing tools and resources health centers can utilize as they seek PCMH recognition.

Open Access means that patients can get same-day appointments for acute care needs and rapid access to routine care needs. This resource describes what Open Access looks like for migrant patients.

NCQA Standard 1: Enhance Access and Continuity; Element A: Access During Office Hours

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This web site houses a collection of information, contacts and resources to assist health practitioners in providing care to migrant farm workers. Although the primary intended audience is health care providers in Ontario, much of the information may be useful to other parties.

A preliminary total of fatal work injuries recorded in the United States. According to results from the 
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) program conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor

At Workers' Comp Hub we provide basic information for workers with job-related injuries and illnesses. We also share resources to advance pro-worker advocacy and action.

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) provides for federal regulation of pesticide distribution, sale, and use. All pesticides distributed or sold in the United States must be registered (licensed) by EPA. Before EPA may register a pesticide under FIFRA, the applicant must show, among other things, that using the pesticide according to specifications "will not generally cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment.''

Haz-Map® is an occupational health database designed for health and safety professionals and for consumers seeking information about the adverse effects of workplace exposures to chemical and biological agents. The main links in Haz-Map are between chemicals and occupational diseases. These links have been established using current scientific evidence.

The California Healthcare News regularly posts jobs around the state. Check back frequently for updated information.

Cancer statistics for Hispanics/Latinos, 2012 by Rebecca Siegel MPH, Deepa Naishadham MA, MS, Ahmedin Jemal DVM, PhD

Article first published online: 17 SEP 2012


Hispanics/Latinos are the largest and fastest growing major demographic group in the United States, accounting for 16.3% (50.5 million/310 million) of the US population in 2010. In this article, the American Cancer Society updates a previous report on cancer statistics for Hispanics using incidence data from the National Cancer Institute, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries and mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics. In 2012, an estimated 112,800 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed and 33,200 cancer deaths will occur among Hispanics. In 2009, the most recent year for which actual data are available, cancer surpassed heart disease as the leading cause of death among Hispanics. Among US Hispanics during the past 10 years of available data (2000-2009), cancer incidence rates declined by 1.7% per year among men and 0.3% per year among women, while cancer death rates declined by 2.3% per year in men and 1.4% per year in women. Hispanics have lower incidence and death rates than non-Hispanic whites for all cancers combined and for the 4 most common cancers (breast, prostate, lung and bronchus, and colorectum). However, Hispanics have higher incidence and mortality rates for cancers of the stomach, liver, uterine cervix, and gallbladder, reflecting greater exposure to cancer-causing infectious agents, lower rates of screening for cervical cancer, differences in lifestyle and dietary patterns, and possibly genetic factors. Strategies for reducing cancer risk among Hispanics include increasing utilization of screening and available vaccines, as well as implementing effective interventions to reduce obesity, alcohol consumption, and tobacco use. CA Cancer J Clin 2012;. © 2012 American Cancer Society.

New research out of Cornell University's College of Human Ecology found that low-income children of immigrants have much poorer health than low-income children of citizens, as reported in a special section of the journal Child Development.

This comprehensive manual was developed by the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health and the Migrant Clinicians Network for the diagnosis and treatment of occupational injuries in migrant and seasonal farmworkers. The information in the manual does focus on agricultural occupations in the Northeast.

To promote, foster, create, advance research in chronic illness care.

This booklet is intended to help Community Health Centers put in place an effective and efficient workers' compensation program.

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Sample clinic policy for equipment cleaning to stop the spread of infection.
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Sample clinic policy stating that the clinic will ensure all chemical exposures are assessed and accurate treatment is given.
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These emergency evacuation procedures and assignments are designed to respond to many potential types of emergencies involving the widespread interruption of normal Center operations and evacuation/assembly of patients and staff, including fire, flood, gas leaks, chemical spills, explosions, major chemical contamination, bomb threats, tornadoes, and other civil defense emergencies.
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Sample policy stating that the clinic will orient all new employees to infection control, employee health and their individual risks.
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Sample policy stating that the clinic will comply with OSHA regulations.
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Sample policy stating the procedure for a fire emergency.
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Sample policy on handwashing for infection control.
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Sample policy for reporting an incident or accident in the clinic.
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Sample policy stating that the clinic will categorize job classifications based on Risk of occupational exposure.
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Sample policy stating that the clinic will ensure that all laundry is properly handled and cleaned thoroughly.
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Sample policy stating that the clinic will maintain a current procedural list where employees are at risk of occupational exposure.
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Sample policy stating that the clinic will follow universal precautions as required by OSHA and provide staff with the necessary Personal Protective Equipment to safely perform job duties.
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Sample policy stating that the clinic will comply with the relevant State Right To Know Program by educating its employees on the impact of chemicals used within the work place.
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Sample policy stating that the clinic will make all employees aware of the work practice controls and ensure compliance with universal precautions.
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Sample policy for proper instrument sterilization.
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A p addressing all unexpected occurrences involving death or serious physical and/or psychological injury (including loss of limb or function) or the risk thereof are responded to, investigated and reported to appropriate entities immediately.
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A more comprehensive policy addressing all unexpected occurrences involving death or serious physical and/or psychological injury (including loss of limb or function) or the risk thereof are responded to, investigated and reported to appropriate entities immediately.
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