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DATE RECORDED: June 22, 2016

PRESENTED BY: Kerry Brennan



Continuing Education Credit

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing this webinar, you must:

  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with this webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to

José Navarro was excited for his new career after landing a job in the poultry industry. After five years on the job, 37 year-old Navarro began coughing up blood. He died soon after when his lungs and kidneys failed. His death triggered a federal investigation raising questions about the health risks associated with the use of toxic chemicals in poultry plants.

Millions of workers are exposed to chemicals everyday on the job. All workers have the right to know about the chemicals they work with and community health workers can be an important source of information and support for workers. This workshop will teach community health workers how to explain what happens when someone is exposed to chemicals and how workers can best protect themselves

Learning Objectives
  1. Recognize how workers become exposed to chemicals and illnesses
  2. Describe basic safety practices when working around chemicals
  3. Understand the role of community health workers in identifying and preventing work related illnesses and hazards
Further Reading

This material will be produced under grant number SH-27640-15-60-F-48-SH5 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It will not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.




DATE RECORDED: June 8, 2016




Continuing Education Credit

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing this webinar, you must:

  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with this webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to

It was 95 degrees when Maria Jimenez, 17 years old, collapsed from heat exhaustion at a farm in California. She died two days later. Each year, nearly 30 workers die from heat-related illness in the United States. Outdoor work in labor-intensive industries poses serious risks for workers, but heat-related illness can be easily prevented.

This workshop will help community health workers recognize and prevent heat-related illness among at-risk workers. Case studies will show how to recognize the symptoms and health effects of heat-related illness. Participants in this workshop will receive resources for preventing heat-related illness.

Learning Objectives
  1. Recognize symptoms of heat-related illness and how to respond
  2. Identify steps workers can take to prevent heat-related illness
  3. Review employer and worker rights and responsibilities related to heat stress
  4. Become familiar with heat stress prevention resources
Further Reading

This material will be produced under grant number SH-27640-15-60-F-48-SH5 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It will not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

ADAO is the largest independent nonprofit in the U.S. dedicated to preventing asbestos exposure, eliminating asbestos-related diseases, and protecting asbestos victims' civil rights through education, advocacy, and community initiatives.

An online, searchable database that allows salon workers and others to learn about and report toxic chemicals found in nail salon products and other cosmetics.

"A new issue brief from the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership shares how medical-legal partnerships operate at health centers and how integrated legal care can help health centers meet their mission."

Migrant Clinicians Network, Inc. (MCN) will work during the next two years to engage members of our clinical network and all relevant stakeholders to advance health justice for the mobile poor. Our advocacy and education priorities focus on safe and legal entry into the United States, as well as strong and equal protection for workers in all occupations. Advancement in these areas creates the greatest opportunity for all to access high-quality, affordable healthcare. 

  • Comprehensive Immigration Reform
  • Access to Health Care
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Spanish-language skin cancer outreach materials from the American Academy of Dermatology, which are used during their public skin cancer examinations. Their pilot program providing examinations, targeting Hispanic outdoor workers in California, Arizona, Texas and Florida, was featured in MCN's Streamline, Autumn 2014.

Messages to Millions is designed to provide consistent, science-based Million Hearts® messages to disseminate to partners and supporters on a quarterly basis. Message maps provide key and supporting messages that stress the steps that can be taken by consumers, health care providers, and other audiences to help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Recently in the UK, there has been research supporting midwifery care. Due to this research, the UK has made some policy changes in regards to maternity. Midwifery care has been shown to be more safe for women with uncomplicated pregnancies and because of these new policies, the United States may follow in their footsteps.

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This 1-page worksheet is an important tool for site to utilize during the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle to test the impact and utility of changes being implemented.

These bilingual posters educate workers on how to work safely with machinery on the farm.  Developed by two Occupational Health Interns (OHIP) during their internship with the National Farm Medicine Center, these posters accompany the Seguridad en las Lecherías curriculum.

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Safety in Words

Este diccionario ilustrado bilingüe de MCN, "Seguridad en Palabras/ Safety in Words", muestra los peligros que hay en el lugar de trabajo y las mejores prácticas para la salud y la seguridad en la agricultura. Desarrollado con el apoyo del Programa de Subvenciones Susan Harwood de OSHA, este recurso refuerza el vocabulario en inglés de los trabajadores que hablan español lo que ayudará a prevenir lesiones en la agricultura. 

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Part 5 of the 6 webinar series: Essential Clinical Issues in Migration Health

DATE RECORDED: June 5, 2014
PRESENTED BY: Katherine Brieger, RD and Elizabeth Magenheimer

View Recorded Webinar

Participant Evaluation  

Presentation Slides (PDF)

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing any of these webinars you must do the following:
  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with each webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to

Diabetes continues to be one of the most common and challenging health condition confronting migrants and other underserved populations. It is clear that a healthy lifestyle is critical to mitigating the impact of diabetes on individuals and the population, however effective and appropriate interventions can be difficult to design. Fairhaven Community Health Center in Connecticut and Hudson River Healthcare in New York, are two health centers that have long led the way in creating culturally appropriate lifestyle programs for migrants and other underserved patients. In this session the presenters will discuss lessons learned from the development of a variety of programs for diabetics and other patients including a community garden, nutrition classes, cooking classes, weight management and strategies to encourage exercise. The session will address the clinical core measures related to nutrition and BMI and will also discuss current research test second line drug effectiveness in Type 2 DM. Available in English

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe culturally appropriate diabetes intervention strategies
  2. Identify strategies to address clinical core competencies related to nutrition and BMI to improve quality care.
  3. Receive “take home” examples of how to incorporate effective nutrition, weight loss, exercise and other health lifestyle strategies.



Download the Spanish Toolkit Materials

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse,

Bright Bodies,

New bilingual resource available April 2014!

Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF) has been using theater as an educational tool with farmworkers for over twenty years. By drawing on techniques of popular theater, SAF performs culturally appropriate, lively skits and facilitates theater workshops at farm labor camps. These performances spur conversations about mental and physical health, living and working conditions, and farmworker movements for social justice.

Many of SAF’s performances have focused on health issues, and they aim for this guide to offer dynamic tools for health care providers, educators, outreach workers, and public health innovators. Practitioners can also use these techniques with other populations across the social justice spectrum. For both organizers and educators, SAF hopes that popular theater can bolster the messages and information that you so readily share and provide a dynamic approach to outreach. Resources include songs, scripts, theater games and icebreakers. Printed copies are free, but SAF accepts small contributions to cover shipping and handling ($5-10/copy).


Available in print and online

Contact: Laxmi Haynes , 919-660-3660

Part 2 of the 6 webinar series: Essential Clinical Issues in Migration Health

DATE RECORDED: April 2, 2014
PRESENTED BY:  Hans Dethlefs, MD and Ed Zuroweste, MD

View Recorded Webinar  

 Participant Evaluation  

 Presentation Slides (PDF)

If you have any follow up questions for this webinar, feel free to contact Dr. Ed Zuroweste at or 512.579.4540 .

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing any of these webinars you must complete the Participant Evaluation associated with each webinar. If you have any questions, contact our Continuing Education Assistant at

At their best, clinical core measures serve as an important window to examine the impact and quality of care being delivered at health centers. However, without an effective system in place clinical core measures can require a great deal of time and effort without yielding important quality improvement. This session will examine both short and long term strategies health centers can employ to make the best use out of the clinical core measures to improve care for patients. Drs Zuroweste and Dethlefs will examine the building blocks health centers need for an effective quality improvement system. Through a series of case studies, this session will explore the role of clinical leadership, technology and strategies for building a short and long term quality infrastructure that works.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify common pitfalls health centers encounter related to the clinical core measures.
  2. Discuss strategies for assessing a health center’s current capacity to engage in meaningful quality improvement.
  3. Through case studies, evaluate different approaches to clinical quality improvement using the clinical core measures.


Approved Uniform Data System (UDS) Changes for Calendar Year 2014 Program Assistance Letter

New Clinical Measures 2014

Effective Data Management for the Pursuit of Quality Health Care: OneWorld Health Center. MCN's Streamline. Winter 2014 Issue 1.

330 Clinical Grant Requirements

Program Assistance Letter

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These files are part of the Engaging Migrant Men project.

MCN developed 3 vignettes that portray the three messages developed in video and printed form.

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These files are part of the Engaging Migrant Men project.

Accompanying discussion guides were created to be used by male peers, community leaders, or outreach workers for one-on-one and small group discussions with men.

Hombres Unidos is a peer-led workshop focused on the primary prevention of sexual and intimate partner violence (s/ipv) with Latino migrant men.  Developed in 2005 with the support from the Centers for Disease and Control, this five session workshop is implemented using a popular education technique (Paulo Freire) which is a concept that incorporates notions of class, political struggle and social transformation.  

This webinar (sponsored by the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs) focuses on the collaborative development of a primary prevention workshop for Latino migrant men, the evaluation of the workshop, and the continuing effort on engaging Latino migrant men as allies with women in s/ipv prevention after the five session workshop.

After this webinar, participants will be able to identify:

  • methods on how to begin a conversation on sexual and intimate partner violence with Latino migrant men
  • process and outcome evaluation techniques on a primary prevention workshop developed for a specific population
  • efforts to continue to engage Latino migrant men in sexual and intimate partner violence prevention
  • how to incorporate existing efforts with your population

Recording & Materials

During the webinar, Adrian referenced a few handouts that are used in the program.  Below you will find a few of these in Spanish.

Este libro cómic bilingüe a todo color trata la indemnización laboral por accidente, los derechos y responsabilidades de los trabajadores inmigrantes que trabajan en granjas lecheras. Cuenta la historia de un trabajador mexicano de una granja lechera que se lesiona en el trabajo y los pasos que él y su empleador dan para asegurarse de que reciba sus beneficios y la granja mejore su seguridad. Incluye historias aplicables en todo Estados Unidos y otras específicas de cada estado. 

The resources listed below are available from the National Immigration Law Center’s website, Each of them is subject to being updated or otherwise revised as new developments warrant. The documents available from the links provided here may be downloaded by individual readers and either printed out or viewed electronically, but electronic copies of the documents MAY NOT BE UPLOADED TO ANY WEBSITE other than NILC’s.

These resources from the Health Insurance Marketplace can be used to help direct clients to information about the Affordable Care Act.

This resource summarizes key points to bring up with your patients who have questions about ACA.

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This resource from the Health Insurance Marketplace and the Health Services and Resources Administration provides a concise summary of key points that clinicians need to know about ACA.

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Families Talking Together (FTT) is an evidence based program designed to help Latino parents better communicate with their children and teens about healthy relationships, sex, contraceptive use, and preventing pregnancy.  Dr. Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, the creator of the program and co-director of the Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health at New York University’s Silver School of Social work, along with Planned Parenthood Los Angeles and Visión y Compromiso, recently enlisted 25 promotores (community health workers) from three communities in California with high rates of teen pregnancy and high percentages of Latinos in an effort to help Latino parents address teen pregnancy. Over a four-day period, the 25 promotores were trained to deliver the FTT intervention.  In the next two months, the promotores will deliver the intervention to 250 families in California.  The National Campaign wishes to recognize and thank Dr. Guilamo-Ramos, PPLA, and Visión y Compromiso for their work on this innovative and important project. 

The FTT intervention—both the community health worker curriculum and parent materials---are available online, free of charge.  

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Dramatic, visual and culturally relevant, fotonovelas are a successful means of communicating health information. The following fotonovela materials are downloadable.

Provided by Farmworker Justice