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This webinar is the first in a series of seven in our Clinician Orienatation to Migration Health.

DATE RECORDED: Wednesday, February 13, 2013
PRESENTED BY: Deliana Garcia, MA, International Research and Development, Migrant Clinicians Network

To view the recorded version of this webinar, click here.

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University of Minnesota's Global Health training program is offering free short courses on immigrant and refugee health.

This website contains information on the 156 health centers that get federal funds to provide primary care to migrant and seasonal farmworkers regardless of immigration status. Most are part of community health centers that also receive additional federal funding to serve all low-income people. They offer services on a sliding fee scale.

At Workers' Comp Hub we provide basic information for workers with job-related injuries and illnesses. We also share resources to advance pro-worker advocacy and action.

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) provides for federal regulation of pesticide distribution, sale, and use. All pesticides distributed or sold in the United States must be registered (licensed) by EPA. Before EPA may register a pesticide under FIFRA, the applicant must show, among other things, that using the pesticide according to specifications "will not generally cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment.''

The Superior Court in the State of Delaware ruled that an undocumented worker who had been deported was entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits to cover medical costs incurred due to an injury sustained on the job while in the US.

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The purpose of this course is to prepare providers to diagnose and treat acute pesticide poisoning and to increase their awareness of health problems associated with chronic pesticide exposure. While the focus of the course is on workers in agricultural settings, the course contents are also applicable for treating all pesticide related illness.

If you would like to signal that yours is a welcoming business, social setting or place of worship, download one of MCN’s window posters and signal to the migrants in your midst, you are welcome here. Available in English and Spanish.

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Evidence is increasingly emerging about chronic health implications from both acute and chronic exposure. A growing body of epidemiological evidence demonstrates associations between parental use of pesticides, particularly insecticides, with acute lymphocytic leukemia and brain tumors. Prenatal, household, and occupational exposures (maternal and paternal) appear to be the largest risks.
This report from the American Academy of Pediatrics reviews findings from population studies and related animal toxicology studies linking early/ parental exposure to pesticides to adverse birth defects and health conditions in children.

© AAP - 2012; This document is copyrighted and is property of the American Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors.

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This poster is the first in a series at Pacific Lutheran University underwritten by a grant from the Pride Foundation.

The My Language. My Choice (MLMC) Campaign is a poster campaign to address the use of hurtful and harmful language. The campaign is focused on personal responsibility and choice.  Student leaders from various areas on campus have been photographed tearing up a word that they personally choose not to use.

If you would like further information about hurtful/harmful language, provide feedback, and continue the conversation about language choice, please visit the PLU Diversity Center website at

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This archived webinar originally presented by Jennie McLaurin, MD and Tillman Farley, MD, provides an overview of effective strategies to integrate behavioral health into health center operations. The presenters come with many years of experience in providing culturally appropriate and high quality health care to migrants and other underserved populations. This page includes links to other SAMHSA-HRSA sponsored archived webinars in additional topics.

The California Healthcare News regularly posts jobs around the state. Check back frequently for updated information.

Webinar Presentation by Adam Hoverman, DO, DTM&H on Exploring the Intersection of Tropical Medicine and Migrant Health. Recorded on 4/18/2012.

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October 15, 2012

Spanish version

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with state and local health departments and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)External Web Site Icon are investigating a multistate meningitis outbreak of fungal infections among patients who have received a steroid injection of a potentially contaminated product into the spinal area. This form of meningitis is not contagious. The investigation also includes fungal infections associated with injections in a peripheral joint space, such as a knee, shoulder or ankle.

Cancer statistics for Hispanics/Latinos, 2012 by Rebecca Siegel MPH, Deepa Naishadham MA, MS, Ahmedin Jemal DVM, PhD

Article first published online: 17 SEP 2012


Hispanics/Latinos are the largest and fastest growing major demographic group in the United States, accounting for 16.3% (50.5 million/310 million) of the US population in 2010. In this article, the American Cancer Society updates a previous report on cancer statistics for Hispanics using incidence data from the National Cancer Institute, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries and mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics. In 2012, an estimated 112,800 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed and 33,200 cancer deaths will occur among Hispanics. In 2009, the most recent year for which actual data are available, cancer surpassed heart disease as the leading cause of death among Hispanics. Among US Hispanics during the past 10 years of available data (2000-2009), cancer incidence rates declined by 1.7% per year among men and 0.3% per year among women, while cancer death rates declined by 2.3% per year in men and 1.4% per year in women. Hispanics have lower incidence and death rates than non-Hispanic whites for all cancers combined and for the 4 most common cancers (breast, prostate, lung and bronchus, and colorectum). However, Hispanics have higher incidence and mortality rates for cancers of the stomach, liver, uterine cervix, and gallbladder, reflecting greater exposure to cancer-causing infectious agents, lower rates of screening for cervical cancer, differences in lifestyle and dietary patterns, and possibly genetic factors. Strategies for reducing cancer risk among Hispanics include increasing utilization of screening and available vaccines, as well as implementing effective interventions to reduce obesity, alcohol consumption, and tobacco use. CA Cancer J Clin 2012;. © 2012 American Cancer Society.

Latinas are experiencing high rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), teen childbearing, and unintended pregnancy. This report presents nine recommendations for sexual and reproductive health clinics and providers to increase young Latina women’s access to reproductive health services. The recommendations are based on findings derived from 14 focus groups conducted by Child Trends in three cities in the United States with young adult Latina women (18-24 years-old) and with reproductive health care and social service providers serving large Latina populations.

This resource for Outreach Programs provides ideas and resources for how to do outreach in an anti-immigrant climate by addressing specific barriers, providing strategies, and listing resources.It is provided by Health Outreach Partners in collaboration with Quincy Community Health Center, Lorena Sprager and Associates, Migrant Legal Action Program, and attendees from the 2011 and 2012 Western Migrant Stream Forums (WMSF).

This blog post from the North Carolina Medical Board discusses issues around physician burnout. The blog states: "Burnout among physicians has reached epidemic proportions since it was first described among human services workers in the 1970s. When physicians experience overload, loss of control (autonomy) and a lack of reward (perceived or real) for their contributions, their risk for emotional exhaustion, otherwise known as the burnout syndrome, is astronomical. When physicians begin the downward spiral into burnout, they no longer contribute with their leadership and motivational energy. Instead, they become needy and unintentionally sap energy away from the group. Worse, this syndrome is highly contagious and can systematically infect a whole practice or clinic by reducing meaningful contact among its individual members."

Supportive Voice. Among The Most Vulnerable by Tina Castañares , MD. Fall 2008

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The Journal of Clinical Ethics. The Diagnosis of Dying by George F. Davis. Fall 2009. Volume 20, Number 3

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Webinar Presentation by Tina Castañares, MD George Davis, MD Jennie McLaurin, MD, MPH on Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Latino Migrants. Recorded on 8/22/2012.

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We are pleased to share that the Spanish version of the Traveling to Mexico and Latin America: A Guide for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS brochure. This brochure includes helpful tips for persons with HIV/AIDS traveling outside of the country. Also included is a listing of prominent HIV/AIDS organizations in various Latin American countries.

Program pays tuition, required fees, other reasonable costs and a monthly stipend. Preference is given to qualified applicants with the greatest financial need who are enrolled full-time in an undergraduate nursing program.

This resource (in English and Spanish) gives a basic overview of what breast cancer is and some of the general terms used to describe breast cancer.

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This resource includes some facts about skin cancer including risk factors and the signs and symptoms of skin cancer.

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2-page highlight of MCN's services and programs in action during 2011 available in English and Spanish.

MCN's Year in Review 2011 is also available as the Prezi interactive presentation.

Summary of the June 2012 article from the New York Times on American attitudes toward immigration.