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Primer to help physicians improve immunization rates, especially in minority populations. The primer includes tools to help physicians ensure that patients are up-to-date with their vaccinations. Studies have shown that many individuals do not receive the vaccinations they need. Immunization gaps are seen mostly in adolescents and adults as well as with racial and ethnic minorities. Adolescent and adult immunization rates average less than 70 percent nationally. Although childhood immunization rates are very high, African American and Latino children are less likely to receive the recommended vaccinations than white children.

Book published jointly by MCN and the American Academy of Pediatrics to highlight special considerations for farmworker children.

American Association of Poison Control Centers Offers a listing of regional Poison Control Centers. Poison Control Centers provide information regarding possible or actual environmental or occupational exposures and recommended treatments. The website offers education for children and adults.

Alliance for Healthy Homes - a public interest organization with excellent resources on lead poisoning and prevention including community tool kits.

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This manual focuses on primary eye care tasks that can be performed by community health care workers. Community health care workers include lay health workers, outreach workers, nurses, mid-level practitioners, and general practitioners. This manual will cover vision screening and basic eye care exams which can be conducted in a variety of clinical and non-clinical settings, as well as eye care education, first aid, and primary eye care in the field.
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This position paper provides critical information that clarifies standard hepatitis screening and vaccination recommendations for these populations. New updated version July 2008.
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A handy one page reference that covers basic hepatitis facts. Useful for keeping in exam rooms.
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U.S. EPA, Region 5 developed this newsletter template to help clinicians integrate assessment and prevention into clinical practice.
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This manual is designed for health professionals and addresses domestic violence from the clinical perspective, with a focus on assisting migrant and immigrant survivors of abuse.
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El manual es una guía que pueden usar los trabajadores comunitarios, educadores y promotores de salud durante sus actividades educativas en la comunidad. Ofrece información sobre los riesgos de la exposición a los contaminantes ambientales y plaguicidas y las formas de reducir esos riesgos. También incluye información y consejos útiles para trabajar en la comunidad. 

En cuanto al libro cómico, los trabajadores comunitarios, educadores y promotores de salud pueden usarlo como una herramienta educativa para informar a su comunidad sobre los riesgos de los contaminantes ambientales y los plaguicidas.

Bilingual training modules on Asthma, Lead, Pesticides, Water and Sanitation and Popular Education. Produced by Farmworker Justice as part of their Clean Environment for Healthy Kids. Contributing authors include Amy Liebman, Shelley Davis and Virginia Ruiz.