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mcn webinar Prevención de la Enfermedad Oral


FECHA DE GRABACION: 29 de Marzo de 2017, 1 pm ET (zona horaria del Este)

ORADORA: Ileana Ponce-González, MD, MPH, CNC



Crédito de educación continua

Para recibir credito de Trabajador/a de Salud Comunitaria o Educacion de Continua de Enfermera después de ver alguno de estos seminarios usted debe hacer lo siguiente:

  • Completar la evaluación participante asociado a cada webinar
  • Enviar un correo electrónico con su nombre y apellido indicando que ha completado a



​En este seminario los participantes serán capaces de identificar las medidas de rendimiento de HRSA relacionadas con la salud bucodental, así como los factores de riesgo para la mala salud bucal. También reflexionaremos sobre el importante papel que desempeñan los promotores de salud en la mejora del acceso a los servicios de salud bucodental.


Objetivos de aprendizaje

  1. Describa la oferta de servicios orales preventivos y adicionales requeridos en su centro de salud
  2. Describa las medidas orales de HRSA
  3. Comprender el papel de los trabajadores comunitarios de salud en la prevención de la enfermedad bucodental


Lectura Adicional


Este proyecto cuenta con el apoyo de la Administración de Recursos y Servicios de Salud (HRSA) del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos bajo el acuerdo de cooperación número U30CS09742, Asistencia Técnica a Centros de Salud Comunitarios y Migrantes y Personas sin Hogar por $ 1,094,709.00 con 0% del total Proyecto NCA financiado con fuentes no federales. Esta información o contenido y las conclusiones son las del autor y no deben ser interpretadas como la posición o política oficial de, ni cualquier endosos deben ser inferidos por HRSA, HHS o el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

MCN webinar clinicians sowing seeds in kansas

DATE: February 21, 2017

SPEAKERS: Ed Zuroweste, MD




Continuing Education Credit

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing this webinar, you must:

  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with this webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to



Agriculture is also one of the most dangerous industries in the United States. For vulnerable populations working in agriculture, their lack of training, poor safety precautions, regulatory exclusions, lack of health insurance, language barriers, piece-rate pay, immigration status, and geographical and cultural isolation can put these workers at increased risk for occupationally related injuries and illnesses and chronic sequelae. Exposure to pesticides and other contaminants is a particular concern to agricultural workers and their families. This continuing education training will discuss health risks facing immigrant and migrant agricultural workers and their families as a result of their working conditions and environment, with a particular focus on Kansas. It will also highlight best practices and resources for the incorporation of environmental and occupational health in the practice setting, showcasing successful initiatives in primary care settings. Participants will explore the importance of and become familiar with the methods to integrate environmental and occupational health into the practice setting from the clinical perspective as well as consider these issues within the framework of social determinants of health.




This material was produced, in part, under Assistance Agreement No. X883487601 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this product.

A flier created by the CDC's National Diabetes Education Program as a guide for patients in the management of medicines to treat diabetes. Available in English.

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Substance Use Warmline
Peer-to-Peer Consultation and Decision Support
10 am – 6 pm EST Monday - Friday

Free and confidential consultation for clinicians from the Clinician Consultation Center at San Francisco General Hospital focusing on substance use in primary care


Objectives of the Substance Use Warmline:

  • Support primary care providers in managing complex patients with addiction, chronic pain, and behavioral health issues
  • Improve the safety of medication regimens to decrease the risk of overdose
  • Enhance the treatment, care and support for people living with or at risk for HIV
  • Discuss useful strategies for clinicians in managing their patients living with substance use, addiction and chronic pain.

Consultation topics include:

  • Assessment and treatment of opioid, alcohol, and other substance use disorders
  • Approaches to suspected misuse, abuse, or diversion of prescribed opioids
  • Methods to simplify opioid-based pain regimens to reduce risk of misuse and toxicity
  • Urine toxicology testing- when to use it and what it means
  • Use of buprenorphine and the role of methadone maintenance
  • Withdrawal management for opioids, alcohol, and other CNS depressants
  • Harm reduction strategies and overdose prevention
  • Managing substance use in special populations (pregnancy, HIV, hepatitis)
  • Productive ways of discussing (known or suspected) addiction with patients.

The CCC’s multi-disciplinary team of expert physicians, clinical pharmacists and nurses provides consultation to help clinicians manage complex patient needs, medication safety, and a rapidly evolving regulatory environment.

Learn more at

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This 90-minute webinar was created for physicians, nurses, and other health professionals who treat and case manage patients with active TB.  The webinar introduced the 2016 Official American Thoracic Society/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Practice Guidelines: Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis.  This training highlighted the guidelines development process, the key changes in recommendations, and discussed the evidence supporting the changes.  The webinar was originally presented on November 4, 2016. This training was jointly sponsored by all 5 RTMCCs.

Diabetes HealthSense provides easy access to resources to help you live well and meet your goals—whether you have diabetes or are at risk for the disease. Available in English.

mcn comic book working with farm animals

Libro cómic educativo bilingüe sobre cómo prevenir las enfermedades zoonóticas. Desarrollado por MCN en colaboración con la Universidad Estatal de Ohio.

MCN Webinar Examining Asthma at Work


DATE RECORDED: September 14, 2016 at 1 pm ET

PRESENTED BY: Robert Harrison, M.D., M.P.H.


  • Recorded Webinar
  • Participant Evaluation
  • Presentation Slides (PDF)


Continuing Education Credit

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing this webinar, you must:

  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with this webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to

Ricardo is a 35 year old man from Oaxaca, Mexico who mixes flour and other ingredients to make pizza at a local restaurant. In the last five years he has experienced progressive wheezing, cough and shortness of breath at work. Laboratory testing suggests new-onset asthma caused by flour dust. Ricardo is unable to return to his job and has filed for workers compensation.

This is an important issue for all workers, but especially for vulnerable workers who may work in industries with conditions that exacerbate asthma symptoms. This includes janitorial workers, farmworkers, and those working in meat processing plants. An estimated 40% of adults with asthma report that work has caused or aggravated the condition, yet only 28% have discussed their concerns about work with their doctor. Health care providers should be aware of the approaches to diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this condition. This interactive webinar will use case studies to discuss the link between work and asthma. It will also equip clinicians with the tools necessary to identify and manage work-related asthma with a particular emphasis on vulnerable workers and strategies for mitigating their unique challenges.

Learning Objectives
  1. Understand the link between asthma and the work environment
  2. Identify strategies for recognizing and managing work-related asthma
  3. Familiarize yourself with the clinical resources related to work-related asthma
Further Reading
  • Coming soon

This material will be produced under grant number SH-27640-15-60-F-48-SH5 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It will not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

MCN Webinar Examining Asthma at Work


DATE RECORDED: September 14, 2016 at 1 pm ET

PRESENTED BY: Robert Harrison, M.D., M.P.H.



Continuing Education Credit

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing this webinar, you must:

  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with this webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to

Ricardo is a 35 year old man from Oaxaca, Mexico who mixes flour and other ingredients to make pizza at a local restaurant. In the last five years he has experienced progressive wheezing, cough and shortness of breath at work. Laboratory testing suggests new-onset asthma caused by flour dust. Ricardo is unable to return to his job and has filed for workers compensation.

This is an important issue for all workers, but especially for vulnerable workers who may work in industries with conditions that exacerbate asthma symptoms. This includes janitorial workers, farmworkers, and those working in meat processing plants. An estimated 40% of adults with asthma report that work has caused or aggravated the condition, yet only 28% have discussed their concerns about work with their doctor. Health care providers should be aware of the approaches to diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this condition. This interactive webinar will use case studies to discuss the link between work and asthma. It will also equip clinicians with the tools necessary to identify and manage work-related asthma with a particular emphasis on vulnerable workers and strategies for mitigating their unique challenges.

Learning Objectives
  1. Understand the link between asthma and the work environment
  2. Identify strategies for recognizing and managing work-related asthma
  3. Familiarize yourself with the clinical resources related to work-related asthma
Further Reading

This material will be produced under grant number SH-27640-15-60-F-48-SH5 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It will not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.



DATE RECORDED: August 17, 2016 at 1 pm ET

PRESENTED BY: Amy Liebman, MPA, MA and Wilson Augustave, member of MCN’s Board of Directors and Senior HIV Case Manager at Finger Lakes Community Health



Continuing Education Credit

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing this webinar, you must:

  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with this webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to

Milton “Tito” Rafael Barreto Hernandez was 22 years old when he died. He was killed when he was pulled into a machine at the concrete crushing facility where he worked.  This work-related death could have been prevented and would likely never have happened had the right safety procedures been followed.  Low-wage workers like Tito often work in dangerous jobs and immigrants are more likely to die or get hurt at work.  In spite of dangers on the job, all workers have the right to a safe and healthy workplace. This training for community health workers will equip you with the knowledge you need to empower people to advocate for their rights on the job. Additionally, participants will come to understand how to seek help in case of a dangerous work environment and to be familiar with resources to assist workers.   

Learning Objectives
  1. Identify worker safety and health rights and responsibilities in the United States
    Describe the role of government agencies in protecting workers
    Recognize resources to assist workers in addressing workplace hazards
    Identify worker safety and health rights and responsibilities in the United States
  2. Describe the role of government agencies in protecting workers
  3. Recognize resources to assist workers in addressing workplace hazards
Further Reading

This material will be produced under grant number SH-27640-15-60-F-48-SH5 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It will not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

MCN Clinician Guides


MCN y Farmworker Justice ofrecen estas guías para ayudar a los médicos en la comprensión de regulaciones de salud y seguridad de los  campesinos.  Información de los Estándares  de Saneamiento de  la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (OSHA) para los campos; la  Ley Federal de Insecticidas, Fungicidas y Rodenticidas (FIFRA) regulado por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA); la Ley de la Protección de la Calidad de los Alimentos (FQPA) también regulado por el EPA; y el estándar de protección del trabajador (WPS) establecido por el  EPA.

MCN y Farmworker Justice ofrecen estas guías para ayudar a los médicos en la comprensión de regulaciones de salud y seguridad de los campesinos.  Información de los Estándares  de Saneamiento de  la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (OSHA) para los campos; la  Ley Federal de Insecticidas, Fungicidas y Rodenticidas (FIFRA) regulado por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA); la Ley de la Protección de la Calidad de los Alimentos (FQPA) también regulado por el EPA; y el estándar de protección del trabajador (WPS) establecido por el EPA.


MCN Clinician Guides


MCN y Farmworker Justice ofrecen estas guías para ayudar a los médicos en la comprensión de regulaciones de salud y seguridad de los  campesinos.  Información de los Estándares  de Saneamiento de  la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (OSHA) para los campos; la  Ley Federal de Insecticidas, Fungicidas y Rodenticidas (FIFRA) regulado por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA); la Ley de la Protección de la Calidad de los Alimentos (FQPA) también regulado por el EPA; y el estándar de protección del trabajador (WPS) establecido por el  EPA.

MCN y Farmworker Justice ofrecen estas guías para ayudar a los médicos en la comprensión de regulaciones de salud y seguridad de los campesinos.  Información de los Estándares  de Saneamiento de  la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (OSHA) para los campos; la  Ley Federal de Insecticidas, Fungicidas y Rodenticidas (FIFRA) regulado por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA); la Ley de la Protección de la Calidad de los Alimentos (FQPA) también regulado por el EPA; y el estándar de protección del trabajador (WPS) establecido por el EPA.


En los años 1999 a 2013, las estadísticas del Cáncer en los Estados Unidos: un informe basado en el web sobre la Incidencia y Mortalidad, incluye las estadísticas oficiales federales de la incidencia de cáncer obtenidos por registros que tienen datos de alta calidad , y las estadísticas de mortalidad por cáncer. Este reporte es producido por los Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) y el Instituto Nacional de Cáncer (NCI). El informe muestra que en el año 2013, había 1,536,119 estadounidenses que recibieron un nuevo diagnostico de cancer invasivo y 584,872 estadounidenses murieron de esta enfermedad; estas cuentas no incluyen el cáncer in situ o los más de 1 millón de casos de los cánceres de la piel de células basales y escamosas, que son diagnosticados cada año.

El informe de este año cuenta con información sobre los casos de cáncer invasivo que fueron diagnosticados en 2013.  Contiene los datos más recientes de incidencia disponibles, entre los residentes de 49 estados, 6 áreas metropolitanas, y el Distrito Federal de Columbia ㅡáreas geográficas en donde aproximadamente 99% de la población de  los Estados Unidos reside. Los datos de incidencia son del Programa Nacional de Registros del Cáncer bajo de la agencia de los  Centros Para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC), y la Vigilancia, Epidemiología, y Resultados Finales (SEER) del Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (NCI). Los datos basados en la población central de los  registros de cáncer  en estos estados y áreas metropolitanas cumplen con los criterios para su inclusión en el presente informe.

El informe también proporciona datos de mortalidad por cáncer recogidos y tratados por en Centro Nacional de Estadísticas de Salud de la CDC. Las estadísticas de mortalidad, con base en los registros de muertes que se produjeron durante el año 2013, están disponibles para los 50 estados y el Distrito de Columbia.

El informe también incluye las tasas de incidencia y los recuentos de Puerto Rico para el año 2009 hasta el año 2013 por sexo y edad así como tumor cerebral y los datos de cáncer infantil. 

Los datos de USCS se presentan el las siguientes aplicaciones:

From the 2016 International Union Against Tuberculosis & Lung Disease Conference



DATE RECORDED: June 22, 2016

PRESENTED BY: Kerry Brennan



Continuing Education Credit

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing this webinar, you must:

  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with this webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to

José Navarro was excited for his new career after landing a job in the poultry industry. After five years on the job, 37 year-old Navarro began coughing up blood. He died soon after when his lungs and kidneys failed. His death triggered a federal investigation raising questions about the health risks associated with the use of toxic chemicals in poultry plants.

Millions of workers are exposed to chemicals everyday on the job. All workers have the right to know about the chemicals they work with and community health workers can be an important source of information and support for workers. This workshop will teach community health workers how to explain what happens when someone is exposed to chemicals and how workers can best protect themselves

Learning Objectives
  1. Recognize how workers become exposed to chemicals and illnesses
  2. Describe basic safety practices when working around chemicals
  3. Understand the role of community health workers in identifying and preventing work related illnesses and hazards
Further Reading

This material will be produced under grant number SH-27640-15-60-F-48-SH5 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It will not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.




DATE RECORDED: June 8, 2016




Continuing Education Credit

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing this webinar, you must:

  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with this webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to

It was 95 degrees when Maria Jimenez, 17 years old, collapsed from heat exhaustion at a farm in California. She died two days later. Each year, nearly 30 workers die from heat-related illness in the United States. Outdoor work in labor-intensive industries poses serious risks for workers, but heat-related illness can be easily prevented.

This workshop will help community health workers recognize and prevent heat-related illness among at-risk workers. Case studies will show how to recognize the symptoms and health effects of heat-related illness. Participants in this workshop will receive resources for preventing heat-related illness.

Learning Objectives
  1. Recognize symptoms of heat-related illness and how to respond
  2. Identify steps workers can take to prevent heat-related illness
  3. Review employer and worker rights and responsibilities related to heat stress
  4. Become familiar with heat stress prevention resources
Further Reading

This material will be produced under grant number SH-27640-15-60-F-48-SH5 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It will not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

As part of the response to the Zika outbreak, CDC, in collaboration with state, local, tribal, and territorial health departments, established a pregnancy registry for comprehensive monitoring of pregnancy and infant outcomes following possible Zika virus infection. The registry is an active surveillance system of pregnant women with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus infection in the 50 US states and DC, and in the US territories. On May 20, 2016, CDC released detailed information about the registry and will initiate weekly reporting of the number of pregnant women followed in the registry.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Worker Protection Standard (WPS) provides basic workplace protections to farmworkers and pesticide handlers to minimize the adverse effects of pesticide exposure. EPA announced major revisions to the WPS in September 2015. MCN and FJ's fact sheet provides a summary of the revised regulation.

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In 2015, for the first time in over 20 years, the Environmental Protection Agency updated the Worker Protection Standard (WPS). The WPS provides basic workplace protections for agricultural workers to reduce the risk of pesticide exposre. This issue brief overviews the major revisions that are particularly relevant for clinicians caring for agricultural workers. 

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The National LGBT Health Education Center provides educational programs, resources, and consultation to health care organizations with the goal of optimizing quality, cost-effective health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.

ADAO is the largest independent nonprofit in the U.S. dedicated to preventing asbestos exposure, eliminating asbestos-related diseases, and protecting asbestos victims' civil rights through education, advocacy, and community initiatives.

An online, searchable database that allows salon workers and others to learn about and report toxic chemicals found in nail salon products and other cosmetics.

"A new issue brief from the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership shares how medical-legal partnerships operate at health centers and how integrated legal care can help health centers meet their mission."

Migrant Clinicians Network, Inc. (MCN) will work during the next two years to engage members of our clinical network and all relevant stakeholders to advance health justice for the mobile poor. Our advocacy and education priorities focus on safe and legal entry into the United States, as well as strong and equal protection for workers in all occupations. Advancement in these areas creates the greatest opportunity for all to access high-quality, affordable healthcare. 

  • Comprehensive Immigration Reform
  • Access to Health Care
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