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Spanish-language skin cancer outreach materials from the American Academy of Dermatology, which are used during their public skin cancer examinations. Their pilot program providing examinations, targeting Hispanic outdoor workers in California, Arizona, Texas and Florida, was featured in MCN's Streamline, Autumn 2014.

Messages to Millions is designed to provide consistent, science-based Million Hearts® messages to disseminate to partners and supporters on a quarterly basis. Message maps provide key and supporting messages that stress the steps that can be taken by consumers, health care providers, and other audiences to help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Recently in the UK, there has been research supporting midwifery care. Due to this research, the UK has made some policy changes in regards to maternity. Midwifery care has been shown to be more safe for women with uncomplicated pregnancies and because of these new policies, the United States may follow in their footsteps.

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The National Nework for Oral Health Access has developed a user’s guide that provides a structure, options, and suggestions to help Health Centers develop programs to implement oral health competencies that integrate oral health care into primary care practice, which increases access to oral health care and improves the oral health status of the populations Health Centers serve.

These bilingual posters educate workers on how to work safely with machinery on the farm.  Developed by two Occupational Health Interns (OHIP) during their internship with the National Farm Medicine Center, these posters accompany the Seguridad en las Lecherías curriculum.

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This report captures important happenings in occupational health and safety from August 2013 through July 2014. Authoured by researchers from the George Washington University Milken Institute School Of Public Health, this resource focuses on workplace injury and illness statistics each spring and documents successes, challenges, and areas ripe for improvement in occupational health and safety.  

Download Resource This webpage features factsheets and videos developed by the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH) to educate farmworkers, producers, and veterinarians about needlestick prevention.  Resources are available in both English and Spanish.  

Safety in Words

Este diccionario ilustrado bilingüe de MCN, "Seguridad en Palabras/ Safety in Words", muestra los peligros que hay en el lugar de trabajo y las mejores prácticas para la salud y la seguridad en la agricultura. Desarrollado con el apoyo del Programa de Subvenciones Susan Harwood de OSHA, este recurso refuerza el vocabulario en inglés de los trabajadores que hablan español lo que ayudará a prevenir lesiones en la agricultura. 

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DATE RECORDED: Wednesday, June 17, 2014
PRESENTED BY: Matthew Keifer, MD, MPH, Dean Emanuel Endowed Chair/Director National Farm Medicine Center

Webinar: Pesticide poisonings. Are you prepared?
View Recorded WebinarParticipant Evaluation

EOH iconMCN’s Environmental and Occupational Health Programs

Learn more about MCN’s training and technical assistance programs to help clinicians and health centers improve the recognition and management of pesticide exposures and other environmental/occupational health conditions.


Mistakes can be dangerous. Accurate identification of pesticides responsible for a patient's illness is important to avoid iatrogenic errors with respect to acute treatment.  Join us for an important webinar that will focus on key decision points in the diagnosis of pesticide exposures and emphasize the usefulness of the newly revised resource for clinicians - The Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, 6th ed.  Through interactive case studies, this webinar will illustrate effective recognition and treatment of patients over exposed to pesticides. 

The webinar, sponsored by Migrant Clinicians Network, the National Farm Medicine Center and AgriSafe Network features Dr. Keifer, a board certified occupational medicine specialist and internationally renowned researcher regarding pesticides and agricultural health and safety. For over 30 years, Dr. Keifer has focused his clinical practice and research largely on farmworkers. 

SPONSORED BY: AgriSafe Network, Migrant Clinicians Network, and the National Farm Medicine Center

OBJECTIVES: Participants will be able to:

  1. Better recognize the signs and symptoms of pesticide overexposure
  2. Identify key decision points in diagnosing pesticide exposures
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of how to use The Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, 6th ed. in a clinical setting

We encourage all participants to order The Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, 6th ed. prior to attending this webinar. Order here. PDF versions are also available at
If you have experienced any trouble ordering your copy please contact: 







The following will provide information regarding the pesticides used in your areas:

Part 5 of the 6 webinar series: Essential Clinical Issues in Migration Health

DATE RECORDED: June 5, 2014
PRESENTED BY: Katherine Brieger, RD and Elizabeth Magenheimer

View Recorded Webinar

Participant Evaluation  

Presentation Slides (PDF)

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing any of these webinars you must do the following:
  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with each webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to

Diabetes continues to be one of the most common and challenging health condition confronting migrants and other underserved populations. It is clear that a healthy lifestyle is critical to mitigating the impact of diabetes on individuals and the population, however effective and appropriate interventions can be difficult to design. Fairhaven Community Health Center in Connecticut and Hudson River Healthcare in New York, are two health centers that have long led the way in creating culturally appropriate lifestyle programs for migrants and other underserved patients. In this session the presenters will discuss lessons learned from the development of a variety of programs for diabetics and other patients including a community garden, nutrition classes, cooking classes, weight management and strategies to encourage exercise. The session will address the clinical core measures related to nutrition and BMI and will also discuss current research test second line drug effectiveness in Type 2 DM. Available in English

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe culturally appropriate diabetes intervention strategies
  2. Identify strategies to address clinical core competencies related to nutrition and BMI to improve quality care.
  3. Receive “take home” examples of how to incorporate effective nutrition, weight loss, exercise and other health lifestyle strategies.



Download the Spanish Toolkit Materials

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse,

Bright Bodies,

Part 4 of the 6 webinar series: Essential Clinical Issues in Migration Health

DATE RECORDED: May 14, 2014
PRESENTED BY:  Candace Kugel, FNP, CNM and Megan Danielson, CNM

View Recorded Webinar 

 Participant Evaluation  

 Presentation Slides (PDF)

To receive CME* or CNE credit after viewing any of these webinars you must do the following:
  • Complete the Participant Evaluation associated with each webinar
  • Send an email with your first and last name stating which webinar you completed to

Migrant women face significant disparities with an additional layer of complexity and require different intervention strategies. Among them are reproductive health, pregnancy and childbirth, sexual and intimate partner violence, and cancers that disproportionately affect women, including cervical and breast cancer. Women often face environmental and occupational health exposures both in the home and in the workplace that heighten health risks. This session will provide a follow-up to the July 2013 presentation “Women’s Health at the Intersection of Poverty and Migration” that was part of our Clinician Orientation to Migration Health webinar series.  During this presentation Candace Kugel, FNP, CNM, and Meagan Danielson, CNM will discuss quality improvement and health care services for migrant women. The HRSA clinical performance measures related to women’s health will be reviewed as well as resources and best practices for improving the health of migrant women.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe strategies to address clinical core measures that relate to women’s health .
  2. Discuss case studies that assist participants in understanding how creative collaborations and models of care can improve health outcomes for migrant women.
  3. Participants will be able to access clinical resources for working with female migrant patients.



Low Birth Weight Resources

Cervical Cancer Resources

Other Resources

Download Resource

Part 6 of the 7 webinar series: Clinician Orientation to Migration Health

DATE: presented live on July 17th, 2013

PRESENTED BY: Candace Kugel, FNP, CNM, Specialist in Clinical Systems & Women's Health and Melissa Bailey, Executive Director of North Carolina Field, Inc.

 Women's Health at the Intersection of Poverty & Migration
View Recorded WebinarParticipant EvaluationPresentation Slides


Additional Resources:

MCN Women's Health page

MCN Health Network

Any prenatal patient who may move out of your area before giving birth is eligible to be enrolled in the Health Network. MCN will provide care coordination throughout the course of her pregnancy, until her postpartum visit is completed, to help ensure that there are no gaps in her health care.  512-327-2017 or 800-825-8205.


MCN Environmental Health/Pesticides Resources
MCN Family Violence Resources
MCN Streamline articles
Other Women’s Health Resources for Migrant/Immigrant Care
  • Text4Baby:  A free service that provides health education by text to pregnant women and new mothers in English and Spanish
  • The Perinatal/HIV Hotline: The National Perinatal HIV Consultation and Referral Service (Perinatal Hotline) provides 24-hour advice from HIV experts on indications and interpretations of HIV testing in pregnancy as well as consultation on treating HIV-infected pregnant women and their infants. The Perinatal Hotline (888-448-8765) is available 24 hours, seven days per week.
  • Centering Pregnancy: A model of group prenatal care widely used in a variety of settings, including FQHCs and with immigrant populations.  Materials are available in Spanish.
  • Rural Women’s Health Project  Pregnancy fotonovelas in English and Spanish.
  • Auger Communications “Teach with Stories” Prenatal Care fotonovela series and “Pregnancy and Diabetes: Lucia’s Story”
  • Wake Forest University One-page pesticides and pregnancy handout in English and Spanish. 
  • Migrant Health Promotion Farmworker Doula Manual
  • National Women’s Health Information Center. This website and toll-free call center were created to provide free, reliable health information for women everywhere, including lots of materials in Spanish.
  • March of Dimes  An array of materials at various literacy levels and almost everything in Spanish. Pamphlets, videos, "Comenzando Bien" curriculum.
  • Centers for Disease Control The CDC's Spanish website for women's health includes handouts in Spanish that can be printed from the website
  • National Perinatal Association Published transcultural perinatal education curriculum.
  • California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program.  Catalog of patient education materials in English and Spanish for perinatal issues related to diabetes and gestational diabetes.
  • “Diabetes gestacional: Guía para la mujer embarazada”.  Spanish language guide on gestational diabetes from AHRQ.
  • Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs: “The Fields: The Hidden Faces of Farmworker Women” Interviews and stories about the issues that matter most to farmworker women’s health and well-being
  • Human Rights Watch:  “Cultivating Fear: The Vulnerability of Immigrant Farmworkers in the US to Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment”
  • Legal Momentum Immigrant Women Program legal rights for immigrant women
  • Trafficking information



Historically, the field of women's health consisted of issues surrounding reproduction and childbirth. However, increasingly, the health care community has come to see women as a distinct patient group that has unique health concerns over a lifetime. Migrant farmworker women experience unique risks during pregnancy and otherwise, due to the physical demands, environmental exposures and other circumstances of their lives.  The provision of healthcare services to migrant women presents distinctive challenges for both clinicians and organizations.  MCN’s Candace Kugel, CRNP, CNM, and Melissa Bailey, Executive Director of NC FIELD, Inc., both with many years of experience with this population will discuss the problems, solutions and rewards of working with migrant women, through case illustrations and review of resources.

After taking this webinar:

  • Participants will be able to identify at least 2 health risks unique to women farmworkers and the impact of those challenges on work, nutrition and health.
  • Participants will be able to describe environmental and occupational health exposures relevant to farmworker women of reproductive age.
  • Case studies will assist participants in understanding how creative collaborations and models of care can improve health outcomes for migrant women.
  • Participants will be able to access clinical resources for working with female migrant patients.


Candace Kugel, FNP, CNM, Specialist in Clinical Systems & Women's Health, Migrant Clinicians Network

Candace Kugel is a Family Nurse Practitioner and Certified Nurse-Midwife with over twenty years of experience in health care for the underserved. She has worked in various clinical settings, including family planning, migrant health, community health center, and private practice. She has worked almost exclusively in rural settings.

Candace has also been active in aspects of health care other than direct patient services. She has served as a clinical instructor for nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, nursing, and medical students, and currently has faculty appointments with the University of Cincinnati and Penn State University’s Schools of Nursing. She has worked in program development in various arenas, including co-founding a “Stork’s Store” prenatal incentive program, initiating a natural family planning education program, and teaching childbirth education classes.

Melissa Bailey, Executive Director of North Carolina Field, Inc.

Melissa Bailey is a native of southern West Virginia. She has worked in North Carolina migrant education programs since 2001. In 2010 AFOP’s Children in the Fields Campaign assisted community workers with forming the nonprofit NC FIELD. This effort aimed to establish an organizational empowerment and advocacy model to build capacity in farmworker communities, particularly among child laborers in agriculture. In 2012 Melissa became the Executive Director of NC FIELD. 

She has presented to local, state, and national stakeholders; assisted media; has worked as a research assistant on farmworker studies; assisted with organizational development and the leadership training of child farmworkers, and is a successful field organizer, consultant, and project manager. Melissa holds a certificate in Nonprofit Management from Duke University, among other certifications related to the delivery of supplemental education services and data.

In her spare time Melissa enjoys reading, writing, gardening, and spending time with loved ones.

New bilingual resource available April 2014!

Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF) has been using theater as an educational tool with farmworkers for over twenty years. By drawing on techniques of popular theater, SAF performs culturally appropriate, lively skits and facilitates theater workshops at farm labor camps. These performances spur conversations about mental and physical health, living and working conditions, and farmworker movements for social justice.

Many of SAF’s performances have focused on health issues, and they aim for this guide to offer dynamic tools for health care providers, educators, outreach workers, and public health innovators. Practitioners can also use these techniques with other populations across the social justice spectrum. For both organizers and educators, SAF hopes that popular theater can bolster the messages and information that you so readily share and provide a dynamic approach to outreach. Resources include songs, scripts, theater games and icebreakers. Printed copies are free, but SAF accepts small contributions to cover shipping and handling ($5-10/copy).


Available in print and online

Contact: Laxmi Haynes , 919-660-3660

These files are part of the Engaging Migrant Men project.

MCN developed 3 vignettes that portray the three messages developed in video and printed form.

Download Resource

These files are part of the Engaging Migrant Men project.

Accompanying discussion guides were created to be used by male peers, community leaders, or outreach workers for one-on-one and small group discussions with men.

Limited data document the multiple and repeated pesticide absorption experienced by farmworkers in an agricultural season or their risk factors.

Laboratory studies and case reports of accidental exposure to large amounts of chemicals indicate that there are immediate and long‐term negative health consequences of exposure to agricultural chemicals. 

The goal of this study was to describe acute occupational pesticide-related illnesses among youths and to provide prevention recommendations. Survey data from 8 states and from poison control center data were analyzed.

Concern about the adverse public health and environmental effects of pesticide use is persistent. Recognizing the importance of surveillance for acute occupational pesticide-related illness, we report on surveillance for this condition across multiple states. Between 1998 and 1999, a total of 1,009 individuals with acute occupational pesticide-related illness were identified by states participating in the SENSOR-pesticides program. 

In response to limitations in state-based occupational disease surveillance, the California Department of Health Services developed a model for surveillance of acute, work-related pesticide illness. The objectives were to enhance case reporting and link case reports to preventive interventions. Risk factors for pesticide illness were prevalent. 

The California Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program (PISP) is a major resource for pesticide illness epidemiology. This work attempts to improve characterization of pesticide illness in California, evaluate case ascertainment of the PISP and identify PISP’s limitations and biases for studying the incidence and epidemiology of pesticide-related illness. 

Public health surveillance for acute pesticide intoxications is discussed. Explanation of the goals, components and functions of population-based surveillance is provided with reference to key informational sources.

Pesticide Action Network, United Farmworkers of America, and California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation analyzed California government data on agricultural poisonings and enforcement of worker safety standards. Nearly 500 pesticide poisonings were reported for California farmworkers every year. The actual number of pesticide-related illnesses is unknown, since many poisonings go unreported. 

Surveillance data show that pesticide-related illness is an important cause of acute morbidity among migrant farm workers in California. Exposures occur in various ways (e.g., residues, drift), suggesting that the use of pesticides creates a hazardous work environment for all farm workers  Improved education for health care providers should be a priority. Growers should be educated about alternative forms of pest control and incentives should be provided to encourage their use.

Describes the growth from 1987 through 1996 of the Occupational Pesticide Poisoning Surveillance Program at the Texas Department of Health. The program was initially based on a Sentinel Event Notification System for Occupational Risks (SENSOR) model, using sentinel providers to report cases, supplementing the passive reporting by physicians that was required by law. 

The authors describe the growth of the Occupational Pesticide Poisoning Surveillance Program at the Texas Department of Health. The program was based on a Sentinel Event Notification System for Occupational Risks(SENSOR) model, using sentinel providers to report cases. The number of confirmed occupational cases increased from 9 workers in 1987 to 99 workers in 1996.

Matthew C. Keifer, MD, MPH; Iris Reyes, MPH; Amy K. Liebman, MA, MPA; Patricia Juarez-Carrillo, PhD, MPH.  Abstract. Audience response systems (ARS) have long been used to improve the interactivity of educational activities. Most studies of ARS have addressed education of literate trainees. How well these devices work with low-literacy subjects is not well studied. Information gathering on the training audience is an important use of ARS and helpful in improving the targeting of training information. However, obtaining demographic information from vulnerable populations with reasons to be concerned about divulging information about themselves has not been tested. In addition, a culturally competent method to effectively collect demographic and evaluation data of this growing population is essential. This project investigated the use of ARS to gather information from Hispanic immigrant workers, many of whom are socially vulnerable and have limited English proficiency (LEP) and low-literacy. Workers attended focus groups and were asked to use ARS devices or clickers to respond to questions. Questions were both catergorical (multiple choice) and open-ended numerical (text entry), and varied from simple queries to more sensitive points regarding immigration. Most workers answered the one-key response categorical questions with little difficulty. In contrast, some participants struggled when responding to numerical questions, especially when the response required pressing multiple clicker keys. An overwhelming majority of participants reported that the clickers were comfortable and easy to use despite the challenges presented by the more complex responses. The error rate increased as question complexity increased and the trend across three ordered categories of response complexity reached statistical significance. Results suggest that ARS is a viable method for gathering dichotomous or higher-order categorical information from LEP and low-literacy populations in a group setting while assuring anonymity. However, it is recommended that clickers be developed and tested with fewer, bigger, and more widely separated buttons, and less printing on the buttons for these populations. Further research is needed to determine the effectiveness of using clickers with simplified configurations in the workplace as a tool to collect data for surveys and assessments and to better engage LEP and low-literacy workers in training sessions. 

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Hombres Unidos is a peer-led workshop focused on the primary prevention of sexual and intimate partner violence (s/ipv) with Latino migrant men.  Developed in 2005 with the support from the Centers for Disease and Control, this five session workshop is implemented using a popular education technique (Paulo Freire) which is a concept that incorporates notions of class, political struggle and social transformation.  

This webinar (sponsored by the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs) focuses on the collaborative development of a primary prevention workshop for Latino migrant men, the evaluation of the workshop, and the continuing effort on engaging Latino migrant men as allies with women in s/ipv prevention after the five session workshop.

After this webinar, participants will be able to identify:

  • methods on how to begin a conversation on sexual and intimate partner violence with Latino migrant men
  • process and outcome evaluation techniques on a primary prevention workshop developed for a specific population
  • efforts to continue to engage Latino migrant men in sexual and intimate partner violence prevention
  • how to incorporate existing efforts with your population

Recording & Materials

During the webinar, Adrian referenced a few handouts that are used in the program.  Below you will find a few of these in Spanish.

Summary of Results from the California Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program - 2010.  

 The Department of Pesticide Regulation administers the California pesticide safety program, widely regarded as the most stringent in the nation.  Mandatory reporting of pesticide illnesses has been part of this comprehensive program since 1971.  Illness reports are collected, evaluated and analyzed by program staff.  PISP is the oldest and largest program of its kind in the nation; its scientists provide data to regulators, advocates, industry, and indivudal citizens.

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